Mildred Pierce RIP

This morning I counted all of the animals out of the coops and all were present with the exception of one old hen.
Mildred Pierce, one of my original birds had been fading for quite a few weeks now.
She had "gone light" months ago and her belligerent manner ( put down to the fact she had been practically bald after a particularly bad moult three years ago) had mellowed somewhat by infirmity.
Recently she had spent her days alone in the turkey enclosure and I thought it only a matter of time before she tottered away to the big chicken coop in the sky.
Obviously she had been taken by the fox either during the day or after her death amongst the tussocks and hedges of the lower field.There would be no feathers to mark her death.. she didn't have any!!!!.
Out of my original 12 hens bought several yeas ago now, only Whoopie Goldberg and Colleen Nolan survive...

Below is Winnie the Gander with his beautiful Paul Newman eyes....... he is watching me lock the hens up at duck through the wondow of his goose house... and does so every single night


  1. I think Winnie the gander may have a hankerin' for you John!
    Poor Mildred.....

  2. he DOES have beautiful eyes!!!!
    ( I think I've been in the country too long!!!)

  3. poor gal. May she rest in peace.
    Winnie is a handsome thing.

  4. I know she is scratching away with a full set of feathers now! Your ganders are amazing! So beautfiul. P.S.-Boris--WOW-so stunning!

  5. Mildred had a good life. She was a very lucky bird.

  6. So... it has been established that Winnie is the Gander? Beautiful eyes, yep! Watches what you are up to with the girls, eh? Hee Hee.

    Poor Mildred, she was old though and probably glad for it - if hens have that sense of things.

  7. Sorry to hear about Mildred. :( Darned old age.Winnie is one fine looking goose!

  8. Aww John that's too bad about Mildred...poor featherless thing. I love your chickens names. I have an Oprah and Queen Latifa and a Lucille Ball. The rest are still unnamed but that won't last long. Have a wonderful Friday. :)

  9. Anonymous4:40 am

    I imagine Mildred Pierce and Lily are whooping it up now...staying out till all hours and dressed to the nines (Mildred is draped in a tasteful if dated mauve and black feather boa which looks striking against her bare skin while Lily has gone with a simple tiara of pearls.) They're shaking their bums provocatively at that fox near your field and driving him to distraction. :-)

  10. I was all set to say something witty but how can one possibly top acuriouscure ???

    Sorry about Mildred.

  11. tee hee
    mad as a boxof frogs

  12. Another bird bites the dust. RIP Mildred Pierce. You lived a good, if somewhat bald, life.


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