Camp or Not Camp

Now it has got back to me this morning that a regular blog reader ( From the North West) has let it be known to a relative that I have been a bit too camp recently! This amused me greatly as generally I think I come over just that little bit butch (I can hear Nigel laughing from here at that one!) I may write a bit camp at times ( I will take that as a compliment girlfriend!) but I am far too mucky and dishevelled to be well and truly camp.......( I would be kicked out of any camp school for wearing my wellingtons in the supermarket )
However my humour is campish in nature....I adore waspish one liners ( Just read some of my friends Nigel's and Bel's blog comments) Thelma Ritter, "The bed looks like a dead animal act" and comics such as Joan Rivers "Is Elizabeth Taylor Fat? her favourite food is seconds"
I adore movies like Priscilla Queen of the Desert " That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock"...... AND anyone who employs a shocked and hammy "YOU BITCH" halfway through an argument will always get a round of applause from me!
hummm perhaps, on reflection I am camper than I would care to admit......
Waves hand gaily "whatEVER!!!!!!"
Anyhow It has poured down all day. The dogs have got a bit stir crazy in their enforced inactivity but I have cleaned and scrubbed everything in preparation for Sorrel's visit. I have even baked a ginger cake....... how camp as that?
tee hee


  1. Somehow your post brings back to mind a comment I heard years ago from a movie called "Carwash" where a character (who was gay) said to another "I am more man than you'll ever be and more woman than you'll ever get."

  2. NOW THAT'S a line!!!!!
    everyone's favourite one liners please

  3. Priscilla!!! one of the best movies ever made. Yes you are a big lovable fairy in wellies! xxx

  4. Don Rickles on Frank Sinatra - “When you enter a room, you have to kiss his ring, I wouldn't mind except he has it in his back pocket.

  5. I love camp.
    Here in Brighton we have a gay festival and procession every August, you can't get much camper than that, and they are some of the nicest people you would wish to meet.
    Keep up the camp I say John.
    Briony x

  6. Butch ? Na ! Camp ? I went to art college & studied fashion & textiles - ALL the lecturers were camp dahlink
    Wish I was better at the one liners - have delivered one or two classics in my time but usually think of them after the event !
    Love Pricilla ! Has anyone seen the stage show - would love to know what it's like.

  7. It's like saying that someone is a bit too gay! WTF! Doesn't make sense to me. If we all were just ourselves and not what someone else (society) thinks we SHOULD be, life would be more peaceful.
    We are who we are and it's none of our business to worry about what someone else says about us.Whew!
    Let me see something campy.....anything by Ru Paul!

  8. I did say to someone once who wanted to have sex with me & told me so... & he was wondering what it would be like ... I said,
    " Well that's for me to know and for you to be forever wondering about "
    I felt great ! He was a slimebag.

  9. Jabacue rants again!!!! :-)

  10. tee hee
    jim thats telling me ...girlfriend!

  11. My favorite from Cheers: "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing MilkBone underwear."

  12. My favourite one-liner?

    "If looks could kill, your face would need a license"!

  13. Camp is so good!! :)

  14. I love all your animals...
    Thanks for finding my Journal! How did you find it?

  15. Theres no such thing as too camp - camp is great! xx

  16. Butch? My dear chap - you're about as butch as the chorus line of Mounties in Rose Marie!

  17. Another Frank Sinata one...

    On hearing that Ol' Blue Eyes had rather bizarrely married Mia Farrow, glorious ex-wife Ava Gardner is alleged to have drawled in her best Southern tone: "I always said he'd end up marrying a boy."

  18. >Generally I think I come over just that little bit butch

    Butch? Butch?

    Are you being serious?

    Self-awareness malfunction?

    I don't know any real man who would put cakes on a Lazy Susan.

    Or watch Jeremy Kyle, for that matter.

    Oh, wait...

    [Rolls eyes]


  19. PQotD is Australian legend and if you liked that watch Anthony Hopkins in The World's Fastest Indian when he gets involved with the trannie hotel cclerk played by Paul Rodriguez. Some of the lines are a scream with Hopkins 'dead pan' responses!


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