Touristed out

Leo's last day here in Wales has been warm and sunny and bright.
He was up at 6am and out in the field with me soon after 7am letting the birds out, feeding and watering!
Chris took him to Church with him at 11 am ( complete with game boy -set on silent- and a stuffed elephant of all things) and the old lady congregation was stirred up into some excitement at Leo's presence!
This afternoon we took him for a ride on Llandudno's 100 year old cable cars, which was a first to me. We had an enjoyable time with the tourist crowds ( you couldn't tell by the above photo, could you?)...and ate ice cream overlooking a rather hazy Irish Sea

Richard and Leo go back home to Broadstairs tomorrow. I hope we have made his "holiday" here fun and trust we have not spoilt him too much ( always a worry with infrequent young visitors)
The cottage will seem very quiet and empty without them


  1. What lovely photos! I've never seen any of that, not even in pictures, I was quite impressed and wished I was there!

    Yes, the house will feel like a tomb when Richard and Leo go back, but oh, what memories!

  2. Do not worry next time he thinks of vacation he will be asking to visit you. lol

  3. Beautiful photos.I'm sure you'll be sad and a tad lonely after he is gone.

  4. It's beautiful there! I'm sure Leo will remember his visit fondly for years to come!

  5. Great photos and I'm sure he had a "Wow" of a time!

  6. I have no doubt he was spoiled while there but that is what makes it so fun!

  7. What a cool place!!!
    I wanna come!!!
    I know lille Leo won't hardly be able to wait to come back and visit with his uncles again, very soon.

  8. Three guys hanging out by the ladies' loo!!!!

    But seriously, it looks beautiful. Leo is as cute as a button. Like everybody else has already said - he will have grand memories of the summer that he spent with the dogs, and the chicken, and the ducks, and the turkeys .....

  9. Me thinks Leo young spirit has affected you. You really know how to entertain a guest.
    Hope he comes back soon. And I bet the dogs will be looking forward to his return.

  10. What a beautiful spot. I need to visit Wales.

  11. Leo is adorable. He will remember and cherish this visit with you guys always. I have such sweet memories of staying at my Auntie's house in Shamokin,PA as a little girl. They spoiled me & it was wonderful.


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