
tee hee
I had to smile to myself
Leo is in bed, I have just come in following sorting out the animals, making everyone dinner and washing up the dishes........... and have just grabbed a minute to write up the previous blog about the day before I gather the dogs up for their evening walk!
Chris and his father, like bookends are fast asleep!

They've had a hard day!


  1. Haha, classic! :)

    Great pics on the previous post too. Looks like Leo's had a brilliant time.

  2. Just had a quick catch up on your posts John, you seem to have had a great time with your young visitor, also i sympathise about the loss of the post office, I often think we would have much more of a community spirit here if we had some kind of shop, it kind of makes the heart of a village, and a place for a chat, which we just don't have here any more.

  3. That's adorable! Very Tee Hee!

  4. That picture is priceless!

  5. Cute picture; but I would hate to know I was the one caught napping.

  6. Oh, that's cute! Two peas in a pod.

  7. sweet. Just catching up & had to smile about Star Wars - my son & a family friend had a competition over diner one night questioning each other about star wars - it was very enlightening !

    Thanks for your nice comment.


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