Tiny Chick Robot

I hate to say this but the women sat in the library, stroking several poorly constructed obese robotic chicks need to get a f"*King life ......sad sods


  1. I can just hear you say this, too!

  2. hey, don't forget when you catch up on your sleep we are swapping quiche recipes.

  3. will do polly will dort it for you

  4. Anonymous9:11 pm

    How absurd...it looks like a scene from a scary sci fi movie. The library ladies get an alien virus and can no longer tell the difference between the real baby chicks they were raising and their new vacant eyed, chubby, replacements (which, BTW, only seem to lift their wings on every fourth or fifth stroke...are they already broken or were they designed to look overfed and unresponsive?...at $19 a peep. Very strange.) I love all your chickens' names and the fact that you love them so. I've been thinking of getting chickens myself. Great blog!

  5. Oh for Pete's sake! And, it looked like that one woman had a "virtual" kitty, too.

  6. I hope no one invents a robot goat!

  7. Two young Asian females sat across the aisle from us in the restaurant on Sunday evening. One was consoling the other 'cos her 'virtual pet' had died 'cos she forgot to feed it!

    Good grief! get a life!

  8. It comes from having to much free time on there hands. lol
    They need a real life.

  9. What's really sad is that the person that "invented" this whole thing probably made a boat load of money and is probably sitting on some tropical beach and is retired!

  10. You mean I can have my own chickens lol...woo hoo! lmao....funny what you can come up with when you have nothing better to do...wish I could invent things like that and make lots of money...I just don't have an imagination like that....maybe that's a good thing.

  11. Why would anyone invent something so useless? I would rather have a box full of real chicks!!

  12. Only in Japan!(Doesn't all of the artifical plastic crap come from there?)

  13. How strange. ANd that robotic cat. Holy cow humans are getting weirder all the time.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRocketDog and Hootie

    Ahahahahha! Aren't I the pot calling the kettle black?! x-c

  14. hmmm...that is just kind of sad in a freaky deranged sort of way...read a book or learn to knit if you are that bored for goodness sake...spending their time petting fake chickens..geesh!

  15. Oh ! and a cat too ! I don't know what to say - just weird

  16. Now, I'm not a hundred percent on this, but I think the guy was a robot too.

    The Robot Chicken we've got over here is waaaaaay more entertaining than those things.


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