End Of An Era

Our Post office closes in two weeks. It is not one of the many thousand rural post offices that have faced the chop from last year's cuts, no, it is just a victim of a change of expensive computer system and a need of the owners Jenny and Mike to conserve their health and happiness a thing which is totally understandable.
I shall miss the post office greatly. It is not as though I am a huge and generous customer (I buy a diet coke, regular stamps and perhaps a bag of crisps daily) but I do feel that the daytime "heart" of the village will be effectively extinguished with its closure.
Post offices and shops are, I think the public daytime face of a village. They provide a public place, where people meet and interact and I am rather saddened that that ours is closing the way of many, many rural businesses have already done

After a rainy start the day has started to brighten up. So much so, that the "Gop" over looking the village looks as though it will be an inviting and pleasant walk.
Leo was awake around 5.30am and pottered around until he had his chosen breakfast of eggy bread and potato cakes.
I turned into an Italian Mamma and shooed everyone out of the kitchen as I prepared a cooked breakfast and sorted out a packed lunch for them all to take to Chester Zoo.
"Howa canna I worka with all of youa arounda!!!!!"
I cooked a cheese sauce to have with pasta later then dutifully waved them all goodbye before collecting a somewhat exhausted group of dogs for their walk.
Leo has finally won Meg over ( with the help of some dog treats) and all three climbed into bed with him this morning after their early morning walk. Last night William sneaked upstairs after we had put Leo to bed and I found him curled up on the end of Leo's duvet, much to the sleepy delight of the little boy.
I suspect Chris' Brother and his wife is going to pestered constantly in buying Leo a puppy!

Badgers are proving themselves to be somewhat of a nuisance overnight, for the second evening running they have knocked over all of the bird feeders and have eaten at least ten pounds worth of layers pellets..........


  1. One thing about company is that sometimes the dogs don't need to be walked! I'd have some fresh baked goodie for when everyone gets home--Do you bake cookies John? I like chocolate chip and peanut butter...

    I'm glad everyone is having a good time, including the dogs AND the badgers--I'm sure all are eating you out of house and home!! :-)

  2. absolutely POURING here today- we were supposed to be moving hay from the farmer to our barn, but with the price it's costing this year I DEFINITELY don't want to get it wet!
    Am being very noble and doing my eBay listings in advance, accompanied by cat sleeping on my lap.

    Badgers have been trying to dig out our top lawn for a sett, I've done everything I can to deter them but they're so obsinate they still persist! Hate to say anything is a pain, but with woods and fields all around us for miles and miles, why oh WHY do badgers (and stinging nettles) want to come and live in my garden!

    Have a lovely weekend

  3. Like you said earlier, dogs and little boys just seem to go together. No badgers here. We have enough trouble with the woodchucks. But, at least they don's bite, or snarl at you.

  4. I don't understand... now - where will you get your mail? Is someone else going to take the job over?

    I can see Leo bugging his parents for his own dog now! He's had so much fun with yours!

    Badgers can be a real problem, Nasty critters, I hope you can get rid of him soon!

    Have a lovely "rest of the day"!


  5. sharon
    the Royal Mail delivers to all rural areas without a village postoffice...it will be directed to the next larger village of dyserth I am sure!!!

  6. I have heard talk that they were going to start closing our smaller post offices here in the states also because the post offices just aren't making enough money these days,but who is really? Things are going to seem awful quiet around there when Leo goes home, I bet he will be talking about his visit for weeks!

  7. I think your doggies may pester you for a little human! After having such a fun time with Leo!

    Moles are our problem here! They are uprooting the entire farm it seems! ugggg hard little devils to catch too. Honeyman is doing is best.

  8. What a wonderful adventure Leo is having at your place. He's not going to want to leave! And your poor dogs will probably miss all the extra attention. Perhaps they'll be so exhausted as to not notice for a few days...

    I'm glad the badger only got the pullet food ~ not the pullets! It looks like you have very nice coops made up for your hens. I need to build more coops.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. yes, I suspect Leo might need to get a pup for Christmas this year, maybe even some birds. You have "ruint" him.

  10. I am betting that young Leo will bug his parents relentlessly about a dog of his own until he gets one. I do hope he does get a dog of his own.
    John, you really are quite the homemaker. Your menus always sound so scrumptious.
    Sad about the post office closing. An end of yet 'what used to be'.


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