Jango Fett

This afternoon I learnt all about the virtues of Mace Windu versus Jango Fett and what Jabba the Hutt thought of Darth Maul........what our 7 year old guest doesn't know about Star Wars doesn't need knowing believe me!
After Chris and Richard took him to Chester Zoo, I drove Leo to the video store in Prestatyn to pick a Harry Potter DVD. After 25 minutes of deep concentration ( when all available copies of the famous series had been taken off the shelves and put in a neat row on the floor) he spied a dvd of Star War -The Clone Wars and so excited he was about it, he told me in detail every character and every episode of the six film series!
His excitement and enthusiasm was quite infectious
Poor lad...after a long day's activity he just about managed to finish a cheese covered lasagne , watch a few minutes of clone Wars then after kissing each dog in turn he has fallen into a deep and timely sleep

Chris, Leo and an elephant


  1. I don't know who is having more fun, you or Leo!

  2. Hmmm. Maybe Leo has some film critic genes.

  3. I am afraid the dogs are going to miss Leo when he leaves. Maybe you could "rent a kid" every now and again to wear them out?

    I'm sure this is a visit that no one will soon forget!

  4. Sounds like Leo is having a terrific visit. He sure is cute. You sound like you are getting worn out. How about you going on holiday when Leo's visit is over and have someone wait on you.

  5. What a great photo! My son was the same way about Star Wars! Morning noon and night.....Star Wars...! He would even talk in his sleep about...you guessed it...Star Wars!

  6. John-
    you are going to be one sobbing wreck when this sweet little boy leaves.
    You guys seem to be really enjoying the week.

  7. What are you going to do when Leo leaves? What are the dogs going to think of not having their playmate around.
    He truly sounds like a wonderful child.


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