Continuity bollocks

Hazel and I walked out of the movie Samson and Delilah (2009) after around half an hour. It was not because it was bad ( ok the story of poor and dispossessed aboriginal teens was not a bag of laughs), it was because the reels of the movie had been mixed up and the narrative jumped from one unconnected part of the film to another.
I got up and complained after 20 minutes and was told that the film was being shown "correctly" which was a load of bollocks, so we walked out.
I have just double checked with a wikipedia version of the plot and found to my delight that I was right........
so at least we will get to see another movie free of charge!

Hazel took me for a drink and a nice (and overdue chat) at the lovely Soughton Hall (pic) which is situated just outside Mold, so the night was not a total bust


  1. A freebie will be nice. Don't ya just love when a business fibs to you. Not.

  2. Only walked out of one film...'Funny Lady' with Barbra Streisand.
    Guess you're whole day wasn't wrecked though.

  3. Annoying isn't it - when people are so obviously wrong, confronted and deny it blatently! Arghhhhh!

    Soughton Hall looks nice!

  4. jim that shows your age!

  5. tex... too right! and I am angling for a complementary drink too
    John: dont get me started!!!!

  6. Do you think? Oh well!

  7. I haven't even heard of this film. Is that the boy who was in Australia - so grown up now.

    My husband is the worst to watch films with boats in - he corrects everything !!!

  8. You could use your freebie to see The Tooth Fairy!

  9. over.....dead....and ...body...comes to mind!


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