calon lan

The weather has been atrocious this morning. I am in the process of moving the teenage cockerels into their own run and setting up the Ghost hens into a new more robust hen house. I have come in for a coffee and a dry off before I go out again, and wanted to blog my top desert island discs!. It has been fun picking my favourites

Now I have picked this slightly "odd" overly dark video mainly because it underlines the power of impromptu singing...a thing I would love to be able to do properly if my lack of confidence could be overcome.

Calon Lan is the MOST uplifting of Welsh hymns, ( see this moving previous blog it has to be on my desert Island


  1. I'm listening to Calon Lan right now - very soothing after a trying day - the Welsh Rugby Union Choir are singing it!

    No one can sing like the Welsh people, every time I watch Wales play rugby the crowd singing the Welsh National anthem, brings tears to my eyes.

  2. it is hauntingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good (morning) afternoon, John.


  4. I may not remember it correctly but didn't you once blog about wanting to join a choir? Whatever happened to this idea?

    Since the weather is bad, you can just do a little "singing in the rain" like Gene Kelly. Don't forget to use a lamp post as a prop (or skip around in large circles like you used to)! Too funny!

  5. ahhh, that's lovely....particularly apt on my birthday too. Reminds me of my wedding day, with you singing at the top of your voice....! Last week now.....keep you posted whether I'll be expanding my male voice choir! Nx


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