Who says men can't multi task?

It's been a busy day. With Chris' colleague coming to stay later, "operation dog snot removal" has been continued with renewed vigour. Beds have been made, dusting has been done and various doggy stains and smells removed with much scrubbing and bleaching!
In between all this I managed to separate the three definite juvenile cockerels from out of the St Trinian group and take them to the wildlife animal centre on the other side of Flintshire. I couldn't quite face the prospect of culling these skinny little hybrids as none have any meat on them, and I knew that the chap that runs the rescue centre has a big hen house with room enough for some lucky bachelors.......yes I know...we both are a bit of a soft touch

I came home, walked the goslings and after them, the dogs then made a load of home made fishcakes from scratch AND an apple pie (God I am good!, read 'em and weep Delia Smith)...

This afternoon I have dug up another bucket of potatoes, delivered duck eggs to Ann ( to make the cakes for her Flower Show) and cleaned the detritus from inside the Berlingo.......The state of the car would make a gladiator faint believe me!
I am now writing this ( with my first coffee of the day) then I am off to deliver more eggs, buy some milk and cream from the supermarket and then clean out the duck house before walking the dogs again.
Only then I will have time to recheck the guest bedroom ( George thoughtfuly pooed in there this morning),and scrub the toilet!

...............and people wonder why I only work one shift in the hospital a week!!!


  1. My lady says you can come here to work anytime! Weee hooo! hee hee. Isn't it kind of George to leave a present in the guest bedroom? How thoughtful!

  2. That's just an average day for a woman!!!! LOL, only kidding, you're a hero! xxx

  3. I am the wind beneath your wings!

  4. Oh George!!! Had to giggle over his 'present' he left in the guest room. Why is it when you are deep cleaning the house, it never fails that one of the animals living in it will do something that requires more time to be spent cleaning.
    Fish cakes?! Are they like crab cakes?
    Damn John you are good!!!!!

  5. Stop praising him!!!! he'll get a big head....;0) xxx

  6. Geez John you don't have time to work outside the home! Oooo can ou share that fish cake recipe with us? My Nana (from Newcastle Upon Tyne) used to make fish cakes but I can't find a recipe that tastes like hers. Mmm that pie looks good too..yes you're good LOL! Enjoy the rest of your day and hopefully you won't have any more poo to clean up before the guest arrives. Maura ;)

  7. wao you put my super cleanness to shame!!!!

  8. Fippin heck John can I borrow you for a few days?

  9. I'll take ya!!!!
    And listen, every time I turn around you post about making those fish cakes. I say it is about time you shared the recipe with the rest of us here...I love making salmon cakes, crab cakes, and shrimp cakes-so I can't wait to try your Welsh fish cake recipe.

  10. Holy cow I am wore out reading your post!

    But don't you love days where you get that much done! Something about it just makes a person want to roar uh huh 45 I maybe but no moss is growing on this stone!! LOL

    Okay insert your own age in that line LOL

    George must have been feeling the need to add a bit of his own to readying the house for guest ROFL...

  11. People don't wonder why you only work once a week, they are amazed that you find the time!

    Fish cakes look good, as well as that pie!

    Poor George, does he feel neglected?

    Enjoy your company!

  12. Will you MARRY Me?

    I don't care a cat's whisker about your sexual orientation...I'm only interested in your cooking and cleaning!


  13. Excuse me, Nancy, but I do believe I asked him first!

  14. That pie looks fantastico!

  15. girls girls...I only have eyes for russell crowe


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