Dusk Observations

I wrote this when I was on fox watch a while ago, and have only just remembered I saved it on the laptop...
Another lazy blog but it kind of underlines the pace of the field!

........It is 8.30 and the evening remains warm, dry and quiet. I am sat under the elm which borders the Churchyard and from this advantage point I can see every corner of the field. No sightings of Mr Fox as yet!
George is sat quietly in Maddie's old spot at my feet and the Welsh terriers are tied up next to the water butts and look asleep in the evening sun. Everything seems calm and serene.
The pace of the animals is slowing down in preparation for the night. The four female turkeys have separated from their daytime meet up and in two groups of two are ambling slowly towards their respective stags. Jane and Lizzy (the slate and Bourbon girls) make their way down towards Bingley in the far pig house and Gloria and an almost bald Theresa wait patiently just a few feet away. They know I will be shortly moving them into their shelter with Boris, who is still huffing and puffing away in the back ground.
The indian runners stand uncertainly just beyond the turkeys. They are eyeing me nervously and are also waiting for me to direct them into their duckhouse. I am late tonight and they know it............. and I am just that little bit amused that it seems to bother them.
The hens are all gliding their way to their own hen houses in groups of two and three. The buffs swinging their fat bottoms as they walk heavily home. The only birds that don't move home wards are the six battery hens in the furthest coop. They remain still and silent in a sad looking flat group in the warmth of the sun, yet the very fact they have all taken the chance to leave the safety of the hen house proves to me that at least the natural light and heat they now feel is in fact healing.
The two new foals in the field beyond the stream are galloping around is silly circles together and I can see Albert sitting on top of the Church wall watching them with some interest before he jumps down into the grass and rubs his head against those of William and Meg waking both dogs up.
The guinea fowl totter past and leap the 6 feet to enter the old Graveyard. They chatter noisily when they spy Albert, then move on to sit under their roosting tree, muttering to themselves like grumpy old people
I take a long measured breath in, as one of the roosters crow
I am home


  1. I felt like I was sitting right there with you. So beautifully observed, in such great detail.

    By the way, the little poult is doing fantastic in the big empty hen house. I am working on getting him a buddy.

  2. I'm here at work reading blogs and your post has given me some quiet, relaxing perspective on a crazy day...Thanks for that and for this lovely post.

  3. You really should write a book...xxx

  4. Ah, the serenity of it all, and yes, you are home, exactly where you belong. It sounds so peaceful and orderly, the way things should be!

  5. Great wording. I felt as I was also sitting with you and seeing what you saw. Yes, you really should write a book!

  6. OH John what a lovely post. I could picture it all in my head and had to smile at the cat waking up the two dogs and the grumpy old 'men' sitting under the roosting tree. I could even hear your rooster crowing. Sigh...I love my rooster. I hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday. Maura :)

  7. Wonderful post. I feel like I was sitting right beside you, seeing everything you saw.

  8. Beautifully observed John, did I understand that the guinea fowl stay out at night roosting in trees? If that's the case I think I'll get some!

  9. yes they sleep in the trees at night! we listen to them chatter away when they see something "dangerous" in the middle of the night

  10. Nothing like being in the NOW, and to take in everything that your senses can take in. Nice writing!

  11. love the photo John

  12. Hello John, your words were extremely relaxing.. I almost felt like shuffling off to bed myself... anyway you inquired about the PetSafe Indoor Bark Control. I am very glad we bought it. The 3 little poodles are serious barkers and something had to be done. I thought it would be worth a try and it was. Yes, there is still barking but nowhere near the volume and amount of barking as before. The device has no impact whatsoever on Halle, the standard poodle. I did include a link to their website on my blog. I noted some of the bloggers have also tried it without success... It is only Wednesday but already feels like it should be Friday. xoxo

  13. John,
    this is a beautiful post!

  14. Ahh! Thanks John. You certainly do a lot of things.....but on the other hand, you know how to STOP and listen.


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