
I really enjoyed the modern take tv pilot show SHERLOCK shown on BBC1 last night. No longer surrounded by Victorian myth and slum, this is a updated twist on a tried and tested formula but having said this the pacy plot did remind me of those 80 minute classics starring the hawk nosed Basil Rathbone.
The modern version has Holmes ( a Dr Who- ish Benedict Cumberbatch) as a freelance police detective whose blunt but sharp deductions have alienated him from the authorities who refer to him as "a freak". Holmes wryly even refers to himself as a sociopath and there are even oblique self references to an asexual homosexuality lurking beneath the genius but thankfully this psychobabble is kept to a minimum as the galloping storyline takes over.
For me, it is Martin Freeman's calm and collected Dr Watson that makes for the most interesting twist in the new aged characters. A veteran medic and soldier from Afghanistan, his boyish demeanor belies a steely hero who is a dead shot and who has a deep need for a lost adrenalin rush obtained from conflict.He makes for a quiet and warmer foil for Holme's rather lonely Sherlock.
The chemistry and humour between the two leads works very well but after an hour I did feel as though I was watching a sort of hybrid Dr Who,what with the cracking one liners,constant action and flashy screen technology.....I was not surprised to learn that the series was co founded by Dr Who producer Steven Moffit.
I look forward to see where this series actually goes


  1. Hmmmm, I hope I can remember this review for the several years it will take for the show to migrate to this side of the Atlantic.

  2. Hi John thanks for popping by my blog and the commemts(well Georges blog)I'm also a member of WELFAF and Sunday went for a ramble up the Stiperstones with 13 WT's!
    I wanted to watch Sherlock but some how fell a sleep,that was down to the walk.
    See Yea George and Jan

  3. John I absolutely loved it, but then I like anything with Martin Freeman in it, I love his understated style, and humour. Benedict Cumberbatch seems an ideal Holmes too. I hope the pilot goes on to a full series.

  4. I no longer even GET any BBC, because of changing our tv service.

  5. Hello John! I loved the old Sherlock Holmes show but this one sounds really good. I think we get BBC here so I'll have to see if I can find it. Glad your neighbour is doing better. Your geese are really seems at this stage they change every day. Mine call to me every time I'm outside but when I go to them Priscilla (I still think she's a male) is very agressive which I find very sad as she was my favorite and would let me pet her. I'm glad yours are still fun for you and I hope that doesn't change. I hope you're having a wonderful day...Maura :)

  6. I like Sherlock Holmes...too bad we won't see it here for awhile...if ever!

  7. WILL keep my eyes open for this over here across the pond!

  8. Absolutely loved every last second of it! And your American chums should be able to see it on i'player shouldn't they?

  9. I love the mystery series on BBC. I hope the new Sherlock isn't too updated - I love all the attention to detail in the period pieces.

  10. Heady praise indeed from the two John's! I have recorded it and will be watching it mid-week. I was already looking forward to it because of the Doctor Who connection of course(it was developed by Moffat and regular Who contributor Mark Gatiss)but the 'double j' endorsement has increased my anticipation significantly. In reply to one of your bloggers it has already been commissioned as a series on the back of a pilot episode which was shot and seen by the BBC executives but which is not to be aired. I wonder if it will be a DVD extra?

  11. Yes we gave it the thumbs up for " More please" !!! echoes of Dr Who but a great twist on the old Holmes films of yesteryear.

    ( PS I'm Still doing the "Where the Hell is Matt?" dance !!!)

  12. I'll keep an eye out for this, maybe BBC America will show it in a year or so.
    Have you seen "Zero Effect" with Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller (1998)? It's one of my favorites.

  13. Eric.
    you're alive!!!!

    NEVER HEARD OF THIS MOVIE but I suspect if I had I would never have sen it as I hate Ben Stiller...reading the plot on sounds very much like the recent SHERLOCK I have just enjoyed!!!


    My last blog to your comment.

    My reply to your comment is:


    ROFLMFAOH! ~:>

  15. I loooooove Dr. WHo (the new one; Gordon likes old and new) but have to get it on DVD now. I'm going to see if I can find this show on DVD too (might take a while, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for it!)

    Btw, that was the river, not our pond, in my blog post today!(And it is beautiful. Flows into the mighty St. Lawrence!) Funnily enough, I was making farm video for you today, as you asked me a while back to take more footage of our place. I'll put something together soonish and post it on the blog for you. We've got the river, a creek, and an algae-ridden pond that the frogs and dogs adore.

  16. Wish we could see this show. Sounds great... I hope we get to see it over here or at least have a chance to buy it on DVD.

  17. I'm a huge Holmes fan - read all the books, watched all the Brett shows and I'm massively excited about this.

    I haven't seen it yet, we were saving it for when both Kerry and I are home and awake at the same time (not all that common unfortunately).

    It might be tonight however.

  18. What? Bland? I suppose I am right now. I'm not a big Ben Stiller fan either, but I think you'll like the movie, more for Pullman's "Zero".
    Also, if you haven't already, watch The Runaways. It is flippin' great.


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