Rick James - Super Freak

Two mugs of strong coffee and I am cleaning the kitchen like Kim Woodburn on speed......I am prancing around to this blast from MY past.......is it me but does Rick James look like a faded Donna Summer?

anyhow it certainly woke me up!


  1. awww, blast from my past too!
    It came on the radio yesterday as I was driving home from the store-hadn't heard it since we went to a picnic party with a band last summer....

  2. LOL I have always thought he looked like her too. My little man loves that old song and some other 80s hits. Yeppers, I allow him to dance about to disco to get a good work out in the house.

  3. I see what you mean! I loved my "Bad Girls" LP by Donna Summer. xx

  4. Loved this 80's stuff!! Which one were you, John? Funny how the sexuality of the 'men' musicians of the 80's was so blurred and totally unimportant.
    I could have used this in the morning to get me goin'.

  5. Gotta love those 80's! Every time I listen to 80's music my son rolls his eyes and lets out a dramatic sight and says, "The 80's,the decade time wants to forget..." I don't know what is wrong with him,the 80's rocked!

  6. Melodie, I always say the 80s were hideous...I personally would like to forget the way I looked(remember permed bangs, skinny jeans, shoulder pads, etc?), the music I listened to...

  7. Polly,

    Come on...rock star hair...funky clothes...Motley Crue... I had a blast in the 80's!

  8. I love this song John. It's on a comp CD in the car I got for my B'day (Push it) and now even the kids know the words to most of the songs on it from that era...how cool is that! Sue x

  9. Oh yes Kim...I swear if she wore her hair down her face would be full of wrinkles...she has it pulled so tight her face is like a drum!! lol S x


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