I need a snooze

I just cannot get going today. Last night I was caring for a a poorly but "awake" patient who constantly (for 12 and a half hours that is) tried to pull all her IV tubes, naso gastric tube, catheter, central line and invasive arterial lines out.
In one shift she managed to remove all but two of them!
Supervising a confused patient who is seriously ill, is a challenge to say the least and driving home, I was more weary as weary could be!
I fed the dogs, sorted out the animals and took the goslings into the front garden for their feed and promptly fell asleep on the grass ( still in my uniform)
I woke up after about half an hour after one of the farm hay wagons gave me a "beeb" as he turned the lane corner....both goslings were neatly tucked up under my chin as I lay on my side,all safe and warm.
I took the dogs for their walk, bought dog food and again fell asleep on the couch after checking my emails.....
The then had a choice...........clean the duck house out or mooch on the couch!! and for once in an absolute age I mooched on the couch and watched an old Audie Murphy movie The Guns of Fort Petticoat.
It was a cracking movie! -
"Murphy deserts the Union Army to warn former Texas neighbors of impending Indian attacks triggered by Army massacre. He overcomes initial distrust and convinces the homesteaders (all women whose men are away fighting in the Confederate Army) to take refuge in an abandoned mission. He trains them to fight and shoot in anticipation of the attack. Surrounded and outnumbered, the defenders prepare for the final assault.."
Mind you the movie' poster's tagline sums up the action much better...as it screams:
GOOD WOMEN...BAD WOMEN...BRAWLING WOMEN...BRAVE WOMEN! They were all soldiers in skirts!
Yeap I think you get the picture

off for a very strong coffee............Chris is working away again
I need a sleep


  1. I very much enjoyed the first photo! Hahahaahaha!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Get some rest...you deserve it and obviously need it too...our bodies know best at times.

  4. LOL Love that fridge photo John! Aww you poor thing...you must have been awfully tired to sleep on the ground like that with your 'fluffies' under your chin was it? That was thoughtful of the hay wagon driver to give you a 'beep'...must have been checking to see if you were still breathing! I like Audie Murphy and his movies. I hope you get a good sleep tonight John..night night...sleep tight...don't let the bed bugs bite....Maura :)

  5. Your mind and body were telling you to rest and be a couch potato! I could envision you snoozing with your babies tucked under your chin. Sparticus is going to live a long, healthy, happy life with you.

  6. absolutely nothing wrong with vegging out on the couch every now and then.
    You've earned it.
    Every now and then when I am off work and home by myself I get all the chores done early and get in my pjs at 5 pm. Nothing like it.

  7. p.s. who stole your cheese??

  8. Feel for you in caring for your patient, mate! been there, done that and know how utterly exhausting it can be. In Acute Psych it was a similar feeling, an almost parasitic relationship as sick people fed off and drained your 'wellness'.

    Anyway, hope you are all rested and rejuvenated - the most important person in the caring relationship is the carer, 'cos without them the whole thing is stuffed!

    Audie Murphy LOL! lately on Turner classics they've been showing quite a few of those old 'El Cheapo' westerns - last one yesterday was Rory Calhouun in "Apache Uprising" - A gold robbery and Apache uprising are thwarted by Jim Walker (Rory Calhoun) who waylays danger from his town.

  9. I do believe I would have passed out during the movie! Did you get a nap now? Feel refreshed for fox watch?

  10. Okay so who ate the cheese, and further more no ones fridge is that organized and tidy!

    Okay my fridge is not that organized and tidy!

    Get some sleep, ah maybe inside in a bed not out in your field ...obviously you do not have the snakes there we do! tee hee


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