A one way street....and a kind gift

I have just received a lovely newsy e mail from one of my oldest friends Nia.(above) She was sort of apologising for not keeping me abreast with the news of her imminent birthing but quite rightly blamed her lack of correspondence on the blog! (and no I don't think you are are -in your words- a lazy fat tart!)
She reads Going Gently regularly (bless) from her home in Australia, so of course feels as though she knows everything of our news (not that much really happens) where as we know little of her news...perhaps EVERYONE should have a blog...then nobody would bloody pickup a phone or meet for coffee........no Nia it was MY fault for not asking about your news and I am sorry!

Anyhow the day has shot by in a frenzy of weeding. I have picked broccoli and black currents for jam too and was busy digging a live mouse from under the bed when the Postman dropped off a brown paper package.

In it was a jar of Elderflower and gooseberry Jelly (a wonderful gift from fellow blogger Kathy) at-http://the-cottage-gardener.blogspot.com/
And it tasted great!.....perhaps I should have said nothing here as Kathy now may be inundated with requests...
Thank you Kathy, it was very kind of you


  1. I saw Kathy's Elderflower and Gooseberry Jelly on her post about the Steamer/juicer. Looked delicious!

    Never saw currents so large, they look like blueberries! I suppose your jam will be as good as the rest of the things you cook! I'll bet it will be pretty!

  2. Those currants look as big as blueberries! Nice jelly...blog friends are great!

  3. Quite the harvest, John.

  4. Glad it arrived intact John, don't forget you're naming that next piglet Doyle in my honour!!

  5. What a "loser" I am today!! I didn't get the joke about the "toad in the hole" and I've never had Elderflower and gooseberry Jelly...I'm sure it's delicious! What a thoughtful and kind gift to enjoy John!! :-)

  6. that jelly does look yummy.......I am so far behind in my gardening it is not even funny........

    Gill in Canada


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