
Yesterday seemed to be day of meetings.
The Flower Show Committee met up to discuss the August Show. Many of the established members are away on holiday the day of the show, so I have been ferreting away behind the scenes,conscripting new members and new blood for our big day.
The new members were a bit of a coup. My friend Geoff is the baby of the committee, and at 40 will have the ladies eating out of his hand soon enough ! and affable neighbours Terry and Ann will be a valuable and good natured addition to any committee as they bring with them a positivity and sense of fun.
We ironed out who was doing what for the day then finished up as there was another meeting scheduled in the village hall, concerning a proposed housing development on the outskirts of the village.
The need for affordable housing in rural areas is a contentious one, and emotions relating to the development of ten houses outside of the village envelope are running high. I personally feel that there is a lack of clarity and information about the whole initiative and have formally asked the community council for open village meetings to thrash out the worries and misconceptions of many people that live here. (we will see if this actually happens!)

Anyhow, as it turned out, the meeting was useful, but not entirely in the way that everyone expected. The woman who had undertaken a survey of the need of affordable housing by the areas population didn't turn up, so the new Chair of the community council held an open meeting to gauge the "feeling" and worries of the audience. The chair was measured and patient and his quiet authority, I think gave the villagers a forum in which to air their concerns and clarify questions in general.
I made the point that when people are not privy to transparency and information then misconceptions and worries flourish.........let us hope that everything can be a little more "open" in future.

hey ho


  1. The photo looks like one of a bake sale? :O)

    Affordable housing projects can really stir up peoples emotioins here as well.

  2. What Texan said. Of course, being out here in the boonies, I am not affected - yet. If any of my neighbors sub-divided their field for a housing project, I would be right there on top of it!

  3. Hello John, I hope your next meeting goes better and that everyone shows up this time. Frustrating isn't it! Enjoy your day....Maura :)

  4. Similar problems here, in our county we had a guy buying huge lots, chopping them up into tiny yards, and throwing tiny houses together in a matter of days and selling cheap. Decreased the value of several neighborhoods around.
    If the food in your photo was served at one of your meetings, I want to be on that committee next time!

  5. yes the cakes on the table wer eall exhibits in last year's show!!!

  6. I have been so busy lately...Just getting caught up with your last few posts. Love the picture in this post, I could not enlarge it but the food array looks tempting! Glad you had a good mooch and movie after tending to that amazing patient who managed to pull out many of her tubes, poor thing. I too love an old movie. Times were so different then. Can you imagine today's women fighting at a post? Different image comes to mind. Good on you for giving in to a bit of a relaxation.

    Enjoyed the clip of the goslings running after you. So sweet. Hope your day is going great! xoxoxo

  7. Urban sprawl is everywhere! Around here so much vacant land and orchards are gone and subdivisions put in. My question is, where are these people working! The jobs here are almost non existent.

  8. I hope you had 'turnip loaf' for everyone to chow down on...sorry! Courtesy the Vicar!! ;-p

  9. OH so excited for the annual flower show. This is my 3rd one with you!! As far as the housing thing...a sticky wicket...everyone wants it, but usually no one wants it near them. Hmmm? Loved the video of you and the goslings below. They think you're their mama!

    Did you EvEr get your birthday gift from me?? It was a small package with bubble wrap protecting it inside. I mailed it ages ago and am afraid it got lost in the mails. x-c

  10. That table full of food made me realize HOW HUNGRY I am right now!
    Your involvement in your community affairs is very commendable John. we can all learn from that especially if we want to have an influence in the decision making.

  11. thnks for everyones comments nothing through the post sorry!!!


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