City thoughts

I caught up with my friend Hazel this evening.
She drank sparking Chardonnay
I drank some coffee and we had a good catch up sat at the kitchen table
She is toying with the fantasy of moving back to a trendy suburb of Manchester ( she lived there in the early years of her marriage) and is quite giddy at the thought of city life again......
I said all the right things during our conversation but inside I was totally upset at the thought of her moving away. (though I do realise that we are still at a fantasy level at the moment)
Hazel is my only "culture vulture" friend here in Wales. She does art house cinema better than anyone, has a critical "theatrical" mind and can "out snob" me any day.....and she is my only local link I have with my former city thinking life.....and quite selfishly I feel rather cold at the thought of her leaving.... The more animated she became at the thought of cafe society, museum visits and brick-a-brack mooching the more quieter I Know I became.....
Even though I love my life here.....I do need some pretentious time with my friends...and there are not many of them around here.
hey ho


  1. Sorry, John, one can only hope she will see the error of her thinking and stay. Of course, really saying anything, could only cause a rift. I know you miss the city life, but if you left, I think you would miss the country life more. (an idea to plant a seed, perhaps?)


  2. When one door shuts, another opens.... think nice thoughts, dear man xoxo

  3. Like you said, it's only fantasy right now. Hold tight, and maybe that fantasy will be replaced by another one. One can only hope.

  4. Now you have an excuse to VISIT her....don't forget that!

  5. Its a bummer when a friend moves away... but as you said its just a "thinking" thing right now not a "doing it" thing so maybe she will just run it thru her mind and let it go...

  6. John, I know very well the balance that is needed with friends and your life. Living in the country, I really need and thrive on the diversity of my friends that live in the city and I need those connections with them and value those relationships so very much.

  7. I know you want what will make your friend happy but will miss your friend. I hope everything works for everyone.

  8. Sometimes we need to move on in order to appreciate what we've lost!

  9. With all the technical gadgets available today, I'm sure you will and can stay in if you're in the same room.
    Besides, you can't have chickens in the city!

  10. Oh John, sorry to hear you are blue about Hazel going back to the city. Well, how about visiting her as often as you can in the city? Then you can have yor culture you love so much, but still have the peace and quiet of country life!
    Wait a minute, you aren't contemplating about moving back to the city are you?!

  11. Hello John, that's a shame your friend is thinking of moving...but at least it's just a THOUGHT and maybe it will pass. I can imagine that moving to the country after living many years in a city would seem a little quite after a while but I agree with Sharon in that you (and maybe your friend) would miss the country life more. I hope things work out best for BOTH of you. Enjoy your Friday....Maura :)

  12. But you can go & visit & have fun with her there !

  13. yes everyone's right...anyhow living in the city with a 150lb stag turkey would be difficult!!!!!
    dont worry I not city moving!!!!

  14. Oh, here's hoping she comes to her senses and stays. I understand your feelings completely and will send her "stay vibes" . . . she won't even know what hit her. ;)

  15. How far away would she move? I don't have a feel for your geography.

  16. oh, how I know the feeling. Our best friends who live about a mile from our place just told us last night that they are putting their home on the market and already have a scheduled showing with a realtor this weekend. Talk about a shock, we didn't even think they were serious about moving...I know we will still be friends wherever they move, but i also know that it will never be the same, and I hate losing them as neighbors, carpool buddies, and everything else that living close to each other has allowed us to be. Our kids grew up together, too..
    I too selfishly hope nobody buys their house, but i know it will probably sell quickly.

  17. I think the whole thing is a bit of a fantasy!1 here's hoping!


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