The American President "End Titles"

I watched this movie last night and although I am not a fan of Michael Douglas..I found this bit of fluff and sweetness rather moving, thanks mainly to Annette Benning who was wonderfully sympathetic.

Loved the music too.


  1. (Too big for me to download) I have seen the movie, not all that impressed. I would rate it a 7, maybe. I am very hard to please, anymore, since all the really good actors (that I liked) are getting old or have died. So many are just pretty now, pretty doesn't make you good.

    John, have you ever considered acting? I think you could play an eccentric Welsh farmer, really well, or maybe a sea cook!

    Okay, that is what I was going to write.... Now this is what I have to say.....

    Maaarvelous! Simply, maaavelous Darling!


  2. Aside from, or perhaps because of, the 'fluffiness' of "The American President?, it is one of my favorite movies. It makes me smile. A LOT...

  3. oh, yes, a good movie. I have seen it a few dozen times myself.

  4. I had never seen that movie up until a couple of years ago and I loved it. I like Annette Benning. An elderly friend of ours (from Wichita KS) taught Annette's brother in elementary school. She said Annette was a real sweetheart as a little girl. A little trivia for you. I hope work went a little easier on you. Take care John...Maura :)


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