Winnie and Jo

Forgive the "newsreel" feel of the video, but both goslings were rather rumbumbtious this morning. They remain a complete delight!

It looks like another very hot day!...I will be downing the diet cokes like mad......not just for hydration...I have been "peeing" along the field borders all yesterday....Human urine is supposed to be a good fox deterent!.......I have not been caught by anyone yet!!!


  1. Oh John, what a sweet video!! Your babies are just precious and are bigger than I thought they were!
    You've mentioned how much you love cops, are you secretly hoping that they will come and catch you "marking" your territory? :-)

  2. They are darling! That gave me a good idea! I'm going to demand a kiss and a cuddle from my lady and sit on her lap!

  3. I can see trouble with the little old ladies in the village if they catch you peeing!!

    Winnie and Jo are just so cute as well and are growing fast.

    Gill in Canada

  4. Oh, Winnie and Jo are growing and just too, too cute!
    Ever think of urinating in a receptacle and walking it down to the fence line? Hee Hee! You could also get Chris to contribute too, when he is around, doubtful he will do the public thing! LOL ;-)

  5. Hello John! Aww they're SO you know what kind of geese they are? I couldn't tell if they were both the same colour or not but one looked soft yellow and gray like our Priscilla and Percy looked when we first got them. Enjoy your babies...doesn't it just warm your heart the way the follow you around the yard! Have a wonderful weekend....Maura :)

  6. I think that Winnie and Jo are fast becoming my favorite denizens of your little kingdom. They are just adorable. It will be such a pleasure watching them grow up.

  7. you are so crazy!!!! I am laughing too hard.
    My husband believes the same thing about "marking your area".
    I thought he was the only crazy one. Glad to know there are a few more of you out there.
    And, the babies ARE darling. You make a good duckling momma.

  8. Your goslings are just so adorable John, I'm taking it these won't be raised for roast goose next Christmas then..? Also I'm so jealous of your field, all that space, I want one, I want one (jumps up and down and stamps foot petulantly)

  9. I want a couple goslings! Too cute for words.

  10. Or maybe you have. Better check you tube. :)

  11. Oh my they are soooo cute. Loved the video. They are so rambuctious. Full of life and energy. Thanks for the giggle watching them. They love you so.

  12. OOoooooooooooooooo!!!! I want some!!

    You are a good goose-mummy!


    That is interesting. Going to have hubby start marking the territory then. I saw a bobcat out back the other night. Can you guess as to what it was stalking in our yard?

  14. AWE they are so precious. I think that one was trying to NIP some milk, you are a good mommy. LOL

  15. Sooooo cute! My cats enjoyed listening to the little chirps.

  16. I mark my territory too! Mostly around the coop area, seems to work well.
    Oddly enough I never thought you would talk with an accent. You type with one, but it's different hearing you talk. Ha! I know that's a bit wierd, but it's funny to me.

  17. what acent did you think I had?


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