Anyone seen BIG?

There There is a child in all of us


  1. Tom Hanks Movie Oh Yeah,

    I have a copy of the dvd safely tucked into our video closet. It's great for family shut in days with a carpet picnic of junk food. YUM YUM

  2. Great film John, even my kids love it too! Have a lovely weekend. Ps Loved the video of your 'babies' x

  3. Great video! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'm to let you know that Ron and Jim live 30 minutes from the city...Halifax...and go there on a whim(mine, of course).
    Now give me one of the staircases and I'll play you Chopin, Bach whatever you want or need!

  5. That was one of my fav parts in the movie BIG.
    I would keep going up and down those stairs just because it looks like so much fun.

  6. love it love it love it....I want a go !

  7. I had seen this somewhere else I can't remember where now.

    From my own personal experience, these interactive things do work. When I was in Toronto the other week with dd they had an interactive "thing" on the floor of one building and I was "playing" with it, as it was fun.....probably looked a fool, but honestly who cares???

    Gill in Canada

  8. I love that movie! Tom Hanks is so cute and fun.


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