Winnie and Jo

After yesterday's tirade and fat baby insults (I caught myself giggling guiltily about it all when half asleep in bed this morning)- I thought it prudent to concentrate my attentions on two perfectly formed and sweet looking babies for a change.
Now I have reared baby chicks (no personality-literally just balls of down), turkey poults (delightful but solemn) and runner ducklings (mad as a box of frogs) but compared to all of them, the two goslings are a real and affectionate delight!
Obviously my two have already imprinted on me, so when I go in to feed and water them, they scramble forward to nuzzle and play with my hands and fingers. When picked up both lie still and content within the warmth of my hand, and their blind attachment to me almost brings tears to my eyes! (can this be the same old queen that verbally berated a woman in a common halter top and her ugly two year old, only yesterday?)
Anyhow, I am reluctant to name the two babies as yet, it is still early days and they have not been sexed.. but I think I will give them a "unisex" the little grey will be called Winston (or Winnie) and the white Joanna ( or Joe).......

Early evening I am meeting up with Hazel ( I have not seen her for an age!) and we are going to see the movie Lourdes, I still will be back to lock the animals up before 10pm, so it's not exactly a giddy night out, but it is a change!


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    They are gorgeous.


  2. Cute! .....I still can't get the vision of the halter neck top Vicky Pollard out of my mind though! xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. John they are darling!! But do you think it's wise to be putting a book called "Simply Grilled Poultry" in their pen for them to read??!! :-)))

  5. Anonymous10:52 am


    Simply Grilled Poultry box, Funny~

    Perfect description of the baby ducklings. I have baby Khaki Campbells and they are just as you described when approached....(mad as a box of frogs.

    Have a wonderful day.

  6. So glad you have bonded with the goslings! They are just adorable! I can say that - they are yours. We had a couple, years ago, that are the only creatures that I named and fed, that I actually enjoyed eating!


  7. I want one! I want two! A dozen! No, wait...coyotes. We have lots and lots of coyotes. I'll enjoy your geese.

  8. I have gosling-envy! Gorgeous.

  9. awww!
    We raised a male duckling a couple of years ago and he attached himself like that to my daughter. He followed her and quacked back when we talked to him, and knew his name, I think.He would sleep on our laps. He later made best buddies with the dogs and cats and followed us on many walsk around the neighborhood acting like he was one of the dogs.He now lives with a friend of ours who has many beautiful and fenced in ponds on his property. And, the female duck living there was the icing on the cake.
    Ducks are the best, you are right.

  10. They are adorable. And, people who are always nice, are boring.

  11. Welcome Winnie and Jo! So cute!

  12. Awwww, they are sooo cute. :) Very heartwarming how they look to you as their mama.

  13. Hello John! Awww aren't they sweet and I love the unisex names you gave suits them either way. Our goslings were a bit bigger than yours when we got them but they were so friendly compared to the chicks. Now they love to see me come out the door and call to me hoping I'll come visit them. They sure don't like me 'new' barn shoes and want to pull them off my feet and boy do they protest me wearing a hat and glove..GEEEZ! What kind of geese do you you know? After looking on the internet and having a lady tell me what she thought they were...I now know they are African geese (buff). They're already forming the bulb! Anyway enjoy your little fuzzy goslings and have a wonderful evening....Maura :)

  14. goslings ARE the funnest, I agree.
    I hatched a couple that were found in a road ditch after it had been hayed. Momma long gone and so kept them warm on a heating pad and I got lucky with the hatch.
    I even had to take them out and have my 4 yr old run up an down the lot for their daily exercise so they could learn to fly and stretch those wings. I eventually released them in a large pond on my parents farm. For years I envisioned the two that showed up from migration was them. You will be quite smitten with them in no time, I assure!

  15. The goslings are adorable!


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