I am not a very nice person

I was not going to go out this afternoon but I had a delivery of eggs to organise and I thought it prudent to drive to the pet feed wholesalers to buy a bag of goose starter crumbs for the babies in the shed.
So with the dogs all sat in the back seat, we drove to Prestatyn then on around eight miles to Abergele where the feed shop is. It has been blisteringly hot today, so after a quick stop to buy the feed I wanted to get the dogs home but realised that we needed a few things for tea. Abergele has a Tesco, so I drove there and nabbed the last parking space under the supermarket's canopy. Unfortunately the space was in a mother and baby parking area, but as it was the only shaded parking space in a shimmering car park I took the chance!

As I locked the car door, an irate young woman in an awful halter top came bounding up to me whist dragging a snotty and obese toddler. She said in an over loud voice ( so that everyone else could hear no doubt)
"That is a mother and baby parking spot"
I sighed as this has happened to me before! but I tried a smile and explained
"I wont be very long and I have three hot dogs in the car..this is the only shaded car parking space here"
The woman's face was a picture , she looked at me as though I was a Nazi in full SS uniform
"This is ridiculous" she spat "don't you know it it ILLEGAL to park here if you haven't got a Child!"
"No I didn't" I said simply and started to walk into the store.
Now this must have got her dander up, as she side stepped with me and said
"I am going to fucking tell the customer services on you!"
ON YOU!....I am going to tell ON YOU!!! where were we?....school?
I had had enough...I cannot be doing with women like her
I stopped and in a low growl I said (rather too gleefully I must say)
"You go and tell the fucking customer services rep see if I care " and I pointed to her child who was stood behind her " and don't forget to take your fat ugly child with you!"

It was worth it, but I did feel a tad guilty afterwards....you see I am not always a sweet fluffy bunny type of person!


  1. (Smile)... I guess most of us are not always sweet bunny people all the time! It's ok!! It's sad that people curse in front of their children. Children are sponges, taking it all in. So how did it end? Did the girl go tell on you?? Did the supermarket security come and take you away??? Do tell!!!


  2. Never thought you were the soft, fluffy type, John! This was hilarious!!!! We both keeled over in laughter!

    Good on you to stand your ground. There should be special places, in the shade, for dogs anyway. And not to mention....fat, ugly children's MOTHERS!!!!

  3. i bought my salad potatoes and left! not a sign of customer services!
    the mood I was in..I would have taken on a grizzley bear!

  4. LOL You go John!!!! Good for you. Sometimes people can be so stupid and this woman was certainly that. As you said...nicely...you were only going to be a few mintues and as any animal lover knows our animals ARE our babies! Imagine...getting 'told on' at our ages..geez. No we can't always be sweet bunny people ALL the time hehehe. Glad you got your feed for the goslings. Have fun! Maura :)

  5. Can you hear that john.....

    Thats the sound of me giving you a standing ovation, sometimes these things need saying, well done.


  6. John Gray aka Victor Meldrew!(That's a compliment, in case you were wondering.)

  7. I certainly don't blame you for lashing out at that bitch but I sure hope her little girl was not old enough to understand what you said about HER...


  8. That was so funny!!!! I've just had an effing and blinding moment in Tesco too! I was with my little grandaughter who has tourettes....the bloody store detective was staring & following suspiciously..... He won't do it again! xxx

  9. Wooohooo! Good on yer!
    Let out the steam!
    Imagine that poor childs' life growing up with a 'mother'like that.I know it takes all sorts of people to make the world go around, so, don't feel too guilty about it! Are the dogs alright?
    Sandie xx

  10. You know, John, I never took you for anything except for who you are - human. A very nice, thoughtful, caring, nurturing, outgoing human.

    Besides there's a little bitchiness in even the best of us!


  11. You DID have your children in the car! Humph! You should have heard what my lady called a rather plump and obnoxious boy that kept calling her dog "Ugly" in a sing-song voice.... I think it was something like, "Bite me fat boy". Tee hee.

  12. You did GREAT!!! You held your composure long enough. But when you have someone in your face behaving like a spoiled brat rather than an adult, well, there comes a time when the gloves come off. Love it, love it, love it!
    It has taken some time to write this comment due to my still lauging.
    Thanks for the laugh which I will laugh about all day. :)

  13. On reflection it WAS awful! Nancy it was a little boy and he was around 2 so I dont think I scarred him for life

  14. That woman wouldn't have understood any other method of communication. You tried civil first, then, when that didn't work, hit her with both barrels. Good for you!

  15. I'm still laughing hours later!

  16. "When are you planning to go back to work?" my physio asked on my first rehab appointment on Tuesday. She was stunned when I said that at 69 I had no intentions of returning to the daily grind. Taken back she looked squarely at me, studied my face and then said,"Well! I would have picked you for 55 - tops!"

    What's this to do with John's encounter with the self-appointed enforcer of all regulations that are duly council approved? Well, you see, because of my chronic degenerative osteo-arthritis, having survived two previous lumbar laminectiomies and now into my third joint replacement - this time a knee - I have a disabled drivers parking permit! I guess my younger/fitter looks minus any obvious missing limbs or contorted bodyshapes tends to defy the stereotypical ideas of what constitutes a 'disabled driver' and frequently raises the ire of many able-bodied shoppers when Rhonda and I park at the front door of the local IGA store to do the grocery shopping.

    At first I would be polite and stand their and explain to them why I was entitled to be parking where i was - mostly with little effect. Later, as I tired of these continual accusations of dastardly anti-social behaviour, I would be curt and rebuke them and walk off.

    These days I just sigh as I ignore them completely and calmly hobble over to the trolley rack and select one that has all four wheels all going in the same direction and use that as my de facto "wheelie walker" to traverse the crowded aisles on yet another weekly grocery 'rat run.

    Bloody vigilante social order enforcers - they really are a pain and I sometimes wonder how small and incomplete their lives must be!

  17. you bully, should have swapped dogs for kid left them in the car

  18. Projectile laughter...that's all I can say....THANKS!!

  19. Oh, you're right, John! A two year old wouldn't have had a clue to what your were saying or who your were referring to. I feel much better. :-)

    P.S. I KNOW you're really a nice man and it would have been great to see the confrontation in person!

  20. I'm catching up on your blog (as you know I was too stupid to live yesterday) and I'm with you John!! I will confess that I do the same thing. I have a mini-van so I can kind of get away with parking in one of these spots, but there's no law being broken when I park there--It's just a "courtesy spot" and I don't have kids and I think I should be allowed to park there if I want too--If someone says anything, trust me, I've had years to think of a response that will shut them up!!! --By the way, what kind of example was this woman being to her kid, chasing you around like that, besides it's dangerous, you could have been an ax murderer!!-- ;-)))

  21. And how did she respond?

  22. did she "tell on you" and have the store po-pos come get you and lock you up in their customer service jail?
    I am laughing so hard.
    Preach it, baby!

  23. she stalked off as I did,
    I DID have visions of getting a punch THOUGH

  24. Damn, when I had my kids there wasn't a parking spot designed to MOMS with Kids, and I had two to lug around at the same time. People are just going nuts, seems like just another minor thing to get all bent out of shape over. Funny how our mood can sometimes help with other people lol....if I am in a pissy mood I don't care what I say to people, and usually I don't hurt a flea. Way to go.

  25. ok that is just funny!

  26. Hahahahaha! You go, man!! She was rude and deserved rudeness in response.

    I hate those parking spaces anyway. Since when does motherhood mean you can't walk another 30 feet to the store?! You're not DISABLED!!

  27. Women and children parking places?!?!?! You Brits are too damned civilized. No wonder this lady was ready to explode. Glad you hosed her down like the trash bin fire she was.

  28. I wish people would just give each other the benefit of the doubt and mind their own business. She should have assumed you had your reasons and gone on with her day. Sheesh!

    Can you please come over to my house? I have a neighbor you could do a world of good for. ;)


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes