Laburnum lifts the mood

I feel a bit more human today. Chris had some old colleagues over for a visit this morning, so I have been busy being the hostess with the mostess....having said that I was not too busy to notice the stunning laburnum which is in full bloom in the Churchyard. It really does lift the spirits . This afternoon he has left for a weeks conference in Canada, so I am left with just the animals and all of their needs for company.
The temperature has soared up into the 70s, so I do not feel guilty at resting in doors this afternoon and I may have a quick snooze after I write this....after all I was up at 6am making sure the house was clean and tidy for our visitors!
Chris' friends were three senior nurse academics, so when they get together it is all talk about past nursing exploits.....all of the women agreed that nursing had changed way beyond recognition and made me laugh like a drain when they discussed working on a stroke rehabilitation unit in the early 1980s. At 5pm every evening before the patients were fed, the nurses would all get together in the office and all would treat themselves to a martini!!!! I had to giggle, not everything was better in the 1980s me thinks.

This afternoon I painted the tin cockerel on the field gate and touched up the goose house( below) before Geoffrey and I do some heterosexual male bonding and put it all together.

With Maddie dying I feel as though I have neglected the other animals for a while. This morning I still set out four bowls with dog food, but with coops to clean and water butts to fill, I just sighed and got on with things. Keeping busy is so therapeutic. I have made sure that I have put writing to Maddie's vets on hold for a while. Writing a complaint must be done in a measured and non aggressive way; I can't trust myself to be objective just yet

Pirrie got an extra cuddle this afternoon then was treated for lice and mites, and Theresa the female turkey "on loan" got her lice check up and dusting

I have wormed the rapidly growing chicks (below) and all seem a little stir crazy in their small pen. They are still too small at 2 months old to be let out with the old bruiser hybrids and the cockerels as yet but it won't be too long

In a week or so, the eggs beneath Blanche, Kate Winslett and Lilly should be hatching too....then the goose eggs in the incubator may well be piping....I have more than enough to keep me occupied it may seem
Thanks to everyone who left me a supportive comment on the blog over the past few days and to those that sent me emails and cards I send another big thank you.
I have been moved by the kindness of people and I appreciate it.


  1. I hope you ordered an autopsy.

  2. That sounds a little blunt!

    No I didnt...the vet offered one but I just wanted to get maddie "home".
    I had already decided to find a new practice for my dogs before she died.

  3. Glad you are starting to feel a little better today, staying busy seems to be the ticket. You do seem to have so much to do!

    The Laburnum is beautiful, great pic of it with the church in the background.

    I really would like to see the 70s again, it's in the 80s pushing 90s and you can slice the humidity with a knife and serve it up for supper.

    I just love your tin cockerel! It's odd someone hasn't waltzed off with it!

    Have you found a new vet yet? I suppose you are asking around - who is the best. I'm still upset with the one who was responsible for Maddie! Nuff said....

    Have a good evening, John.


  4. I always feel a bit guilty for neglecting my crew at times of loss too, but they always seem to understand and are happy when I return. I'm glad your spirits have been lifted a bit John. I hope it continues and you find peace and happiness in your very kind heart.

  5. "the temp has soared up into the 70s?"
    OK, John. Here in the deep south we only mention "soared" and rest inside when we talk about temps around 100.
    Just sayin'.
    That tree is stunning. I bet the aroma is even better.And that tin chicken on your gate-love it!
    Glad you are feeling better, I will be picking your brain on turkey care soon.

  6. Hello there...quick question for you on your chickens. You mentioned that you recently de-wormed your chicks, can you tell me why? Did you see indications that they were wormy or was this more preventative? How did you worm them and what did you use?
    I try to feed mine a natural de-wormer of dandelions, pumpkin, garlic, etc., but it's very imprecise.
    Thanks -danni

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today. Time will lessen the hurt on your heart.
    Looking forward to seeing the goose house put together.
    Your tin chicken is very nice!
    Here in Southern Oregon it has been raining with temps in the 60's. Fine by me since the summer heat and I do not get along well at all!
    Love the pic of the churchyard. So beautiful.

  8. Excellent post John! Peace

  9. farmgirl!
    I have left a note on your blog regarding woming

  10. Got it!
    Thank you, John

  11. Glad your feeling a little better, ohh you've reminded me need to worm my hens in a few weeks and do a lice check. Have you or do use diatom? Thinking about trying that.


  12. jess I hear itis good for red mite....i use a general licepowder in their sand baths!

  13. Welcome back John! Yes, staying focused and busy is great for you now.....but you are always busy!

    What part of Canada is Chris visiting?

  14. Your Turkey on loan, I like the looks of her!

    Now lets discuss this soared temp of 70s ... LOL I read that and yep I did laugh... We are now hitting 100 and yes I do appreciate it is all relative, all in what we are used to and where we live isn't it :O)... but I must admit 70's to us is heaven!

  15. The laburnum is stunning. Dillon is actually enjoying the extra attention but does go to his bed when sent.
    Lucy is soooooo broody - do you think I should try a fake egg ? - pushing her out of the house isn't working - she pops back in & sits on one of the other girls' eggs if she can !

  16. penny,
    in my experience you have to break a broody hen properly ( email me if u need more details) or just give her a chick to look after!
    is she eating???


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