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Chris returned from Newcastle at lunchtime and I dragged him up the Gop with the dogs in an effort to relax him. The weather seems to be turning for the better and the general talk around the village is of the push now to get the delicate vegetables into the warming soil to make the most of the growing season.
The gorse on the Gop is bright and vibrant, and the view across the vale now lush and green. Spring might have started properly!
When we got back, Chris went to bed for a sleep and I finished planting out the second vegetable plot. Broad beans, Chinese cabbage and beetroot have gone in, so that leaves one large and final plot ( around thirty feet by fifteen) to finish off. This final plot will be planted out with sweetcorn and pumpkin (Apparently it is an American way of utilizing space:- the pumpkin snakes in and out of the sweetcorn mulching the ground in hotter weather)- is that right American blog readers???

I am working tomorrow night, which is nice as it leaves me free to enjoy the weekend with Chris.....I think we will be going to see Robin Hood (Mr Crowe at his gruff best!!!)


  1. I have to ask: What is a Gop? And the gorse is fantastic. What family is that in? I have never seen that one before.
    As far as pumpkins in with the corn.....makes sense to me but I'm Canadian.

  2. As you probably already know I'm not an american, however I have grown pumpkins and corn that way before. Its known as the 3 sisters (I believe) you grow beans as well. The corn supports the beans and the squash covers the ground.
    Works a treat.

    So when are the quail arriving?


  3. Yes, the three sisters...corn, beans and squash usually. It's Haudenosaunee culture. Each nourishes the other too. Yummy!

  4. The gop is an ancient hill fort and burial mound (the second biggest in Britain!!)

  5. Now I'm getting jealous! It's still winter here :(. Your grose is so pretty.

  6. I plant pumpkins anywhere I can fit them-with the corn, among the banana trees, in my raised beds, by the fences...Our goats ADORE pumpkin-just split it open and leave them for an hour-all you will find is orange-faced goats and a stem. Our chickens love pumpkins too.
    Thanks for the education on the Gop. I was wondering as well.

  7. This is getting to be quite educational! I didn't know what a Gop was either. Also had never seen "the 3 sisters" and I have seen and grown lots of gardens, makes sense to me. Now if only I had a garden space. (that would grow anything besides rocks)...

    Russell Crowe...!

  8. jess,
    i need some quail eggs
    he's all mine

  9. ps thanks isobel... that was so interesting must grow beans with them next year

  10. I'm afraid my eggs (if they ever start laying) will be unfertilized, sorry.

    But hatching them out would be great fun, teeny tiny little babies.


  11. Hello John..thanks for stopping by today! The fellow singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow is Israel Kamakawiwo who was from Hawaii. I LOVE his version of the song as it never fails to put me in a good mood. I love your post...beautiful photo's and I'm hearing phrases I've never heard before...I think it was something like gorse on the GOP? I can't switch back or I'll loose what I just wrote (been there done that). Ok I've got it figured out after reading Jabacue's comment and your explanation further down about GOP. Oooo that would be interesting having a burial mound on our property or close by. I've seen then in England. I love the view of the fields and hills in the distance..just beautiful. No hills where we live in Kansas. About the pumpkins and corn...I'm growing both this year for the first time so I can't tell you anything there. Plus I'm a transplanted Canadian! Have a wonderful day....Maura:)


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