
Maddie has not been well for the last 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon she had been straining at stool for ages ( she IS prone to be constipated) and by teatime looked listless and unwell. I booked a vets appointment for her for this morning ( I am waiting to go. hence writing this blog) but wasn't happy with her behaviour so I called the on call vet to discuss her symptoms.
Typically I had a "chat" with the young Polish vet..who is efficient but oh so difficult to communicate with on the far end of a telephone!
The conversation included a rather surreal moment when she asked me about Maddie's diet 24 hours before the symptoms had presented. When I told her all the dogs had been given a large ham bone to gnaw on,, the vet kept shouting " BONE! you give her A BONE????"
by they end of it all I felt that I had personally dripped poison down the old girls neck!
Anyhow she told me to give Maddie some water with oil in it, which I had already done and to bring her to the vets in the morning.
I am worried.Maddie has never been ill in her life and although I am a pragmatic health care professional myself I can't help thinking that there is something else wrong here than just constipation.
On a lighter note, one of my neighbours gave me some advice last night when I told her of Maddie's condition
"Just shove a soapy finger up her bum a few times" she called out cheerfully
"worked wonders with all of my children"!!!


  1. Eww - but if it works !
    Poor Maddie - hope she improves today.
    Stll giggling from yesterday's sory - pop over as you have an award !!!!!!

  2. Hope Maddie is feeling better by now. If the soapy finger works go for it.

  3. please don't move anything UP her backside! That could cause more damage than anything.

    Our Mongel Bear has BIG problems after eating bones. So she gets two tablespoons of olive oil with her dinner on the day she has the bone.
    But she likes some olive oil just like that, straight out of her bowl, nothing else with it.

    Poor Maddie. We feel for you and her but she will come good if it's just from the bone.

    If she stops eating, be alarmed and get the vet to xray her stomach straight away. Mongles nearly died when she had ingested a corn cob that we didn't know of as the pinkies didn't give it to her (she must have found it in the bushes on one of our walks). She was very sick for days and after a few days of no food or water had to be put on a drip. All this time the 1st vet kept saying she just had a case of bad dog gastro. On day 5, with Mongels dying at our hands, the pinkies were persistent and called on vet #2. He felt something had dislodged in her bowel so he went straight to operating on her. They pulled out this thing that no one had ever seen before and the Mongels lives on, eating like a monster.

  4. John, I agree with Inky & Molly, don't give your sweet Maddie "the finger!" ;-) I do hope she feels better!!

  5. am so sorry to hear this - prayers and wishes for health - big hug too - peace

  6. lol dont worry I would only do the finger thing with my human patients!!!

    maddie is already at the vets having an xray at my insistance

  7. I hope maddie is home by now and problem solved. ♡

  8. I hope maddies ok john.


  9. Poor Maddie.....oh, I hope she feels better today....bless her heart!

  10. I am sorry about poor Maddie, I hope its nothing serious. I have to say though I am laughing so hard at that last suggestion.....

    Keep us all updated,

    Gill in a hot and humid Canada

  11. Poor Maddie! Hope that the vet is able to find an easily correctable problem and that she comes home her old self.

  12. Thinking good thoughts for Maddie!

  13. Good advice given here re bones.....a couple of tablespoons of olive oil with the bones. Our Sophie has bones twice a week and has never had any problems....dry stool maybe but that's all. She's been on a 'raw food' plus bones diet for two years. The best bones to give dogs are ones that are not hollow. These tend to splinter and can cause problems. But all others are good for dogs as long as they can handle them.There are so many good nutrients in bones and they are good for the teeth.
    John, hope you have gotten good news on Maddie today and that she is 'on the mend'.

  14. thanks all...
    still waiting for the results of the xray....

  15. I'm thinking of Maddie and you, and I hope all is well.

  16. I hope Maddie doesn't have anything serious wrong. I never give my dogs bones, unless maybe it's a well soaked ham bone. I almost lost little Joey with a tiny piece of bone that had lodged in his throat and caused it to swell.

    Please keep us informed! She is such a sweetie!

  17. Poor, poor pooch. I hope they take care of her quickly and she is like new by tonight.
    My Dalmatian scratched an intestine one time after I gave her a large ham bone to chew on. I thought I was going to lose her-she was hemorrhaging badly when I found her on my lunch break. The vet got her taken care of quickly with a round of pills and a thick coating liquid we had to squirt in her mouth-thank goodness.
    You'd think I learned, but I still can't resist my dogs' pleas and still give them bones from time to time. It's their most favorite treat.

  18. Poor Maddie,I hope she recovers soon.

  19. Oh poor Maddie. Good for you on insisting the x-rays. I never give any of my dogs bones. Seen too many dogs having problems with them.
    Will check back a bit later to see how Maddie is doing.

  20. Hope Maddie's issues have been sorted out by now and she is on her way to a full recovery!

    That business with fingers and kids hineys. I see I missed out on all sorts of "stuff" never having had kids, oh ya sorry I missed that. :O) Not.

  21. I hope she's better soon.

  22. Hope Maddie is doing well. I'm hoping it is just a tummy upset.

  23. I hope she is feeling better by now - it's so worrisome when one of the "die-hards" get sick.

  24. Just checking in for an update on Maddie. Hope all is well with her. Will check again later for an update.

  25. John, all cooked bones are bad for dogs as the splinter them to swallow them and splinters can pierce their bowel and its a horrible way for a poor doggy to go!

    Having said that, Ham bones are bad for them 'cos they have a high salt content which causes dehyrdation, slowing of peristalsis and constipation.

    Your neighbours advice is fine for kids but not for little dogs. I also find that in these type of situations, if my dogs are eating at all, a tin of sardines in olive oil works wonders!


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