Intense.,.....intensive care

Today I was caring for a woman that had lost her very young son in a road traffic accident, a crash that had hospitalised not only her but her toddler daughter.
....Makes you want to come home and hug the people close to you doesn't it?.......Chris is out dancing with my sister so I have had to content myself with lying on the couch with four dogs and an affectionate skinny cat


  1. Sorry, that's a tough one.

  2. I was on the other end of that kind of thing, just know that it's tough, but people like you are more important than ever at that point. Thank all that's holy, I didn't lose anyone, just mashed the poop out of my Mom and I, but for a while, Dad wasn't quite sure...

    Hugs and good thoughts,

  3. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Sorry to read that, sending virtual hugs.

    Shirl x

  4. People like you make it so much easier for people that need your care.

  5. It would be much more awful if there were not caring people like you to help these folks through their trauma. Thank you and goat kisses!

  6. I have never had a goat kiss before........admittedly I have had plenty of pecks from a chicken though!!!!

    thanks everyone..I am fine today. the shift wasn't bad at all....just thoughful!

  7. My sister is an ITU nurse and some of the stories (if that the right word) are heartbreaking.

    My hat goes off to you john.


  8. Thank goodness for people like you John, warm wishes to you..

  9. Thank you for being there for that woman and her child.

  10. I am so sorry...and you are a gem!

  11. It certainly does make you want to do that . . . just after locking them all in the house with you for the rest of your lives. I'm sure your sensitivity soothed her.

  12. It had to be a tough round, but I think you must be very good at it. I believe I would rather have you take care of me, that's a for sure!

    You're probably asleep by now, sleep well!

  13. When your emotions are running high, you really remember the kindness of people, good job.

    I love Jamie Oliver, he's my favorite.

  14. It really does put things into a perspective when you hear of the trials that others endure...I hope she and her daughter both regain their strength and health.

    By the way, why didn't you go out dancing??

  15. How terrible. I hope those cute dogs and skinny cat comfort you. That's quite a couch-full.

  16. I'm sure you gave her comfot - poor woman.


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