Buff Broodiness

Back to hen normality now.......Three of my four golden buffs have gone broody on the same day. Kate Winslett, Sorrel and Violet have parked their fat arses into any spare nook and cranny in an effort to incubate .....only tame Lily remains bright eyed and bushy tailed!....I am working all day tomorrow.....and Chris hates fanny-arsing around encouraging the sitting hens to eat and drink!


  1. I love a good broody hen, especially when she's got fertile eggs under her!

  2. Hoping for some broodies myself, here... Good thoughts for chicks!


  3. Every time I read of your hen's name, "Kate Winslet," I have to laugh.

  4. I'm afraid my broody turkey girl is sitting on an infertile egg.

  5. I just love your hen's names. Fingers crossed they're all fine when you get back from work.

    Gill in Canada

  6. I wish one of my hens would go broody, would be grat now whilst there is still a chance of a bit of maran juice still floating about (gosh that sound quite flithy lol), mind you I should be careful what I wish for nknowing my luck they'd all go broody at once.


  7. Same thing happening here. Little Inger insists on being broody! Although there are no eggs under her. I keep taking them! She is just going to have to be broody without eggs. Not ready for more babies running around.


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