Jobs Worth

Ah yes, not having to sort out insurance or British telicom issues out recently....I had almost forgotten the "official-rule" speak of call centre micro managers,
so today a conversation with the sewerage department re enforced the kind of jobs worth attitude which is so typical of today's service industries.
The conversation went as follows

Me: I have been for a walk this morning and have seen an overflowing sewerage manhole cover outside your Trelawnyd water treatment plant and wanted to report it
Operator: What is your name?
Me: John Gray
Operator: what is your address and telephone number?
Me; well I will tell you but the leakage is not at my home address it is way down a country lane
Operator: can I have your address and telephone number and postcode
I complied
Operator: Is the leakage covering the pavement?
Me: No I have already explained the sewerage is overflowing on a country lane a long way from our house
Operator: Is it outside your property?
Me: No it is at least a quarter of a mile away from our house
Operator: How old is your property?
Me: (getting slightly exasperated) what has that got to do with anything? the overflow is not near my property and between it and ourselves are three other houses
Operator: can you repeat your postcode again?
Me:yes ( and did so)
Operator: I am trying to locate you
Me; The leak is not at my location, it is at YOUR water treatment works down the lane approximately a quarter of a mile away from this postcode, why do you keep asking for my details?
Operator: I am reading a script sir

I gave up!

This afternoon, Chris has rested his ear infection on the couch after I bullied him in getting some antibiotics from the GP drop in centre.
I have spent a long hot afternoon watering the seedlings (no rain in several weeks now) and have finished painting the 17 hen houses, and nesting boxes

Neighbour John laughed when he saw the uniform knot of little houses.....he agreed that it didn't quite look like the Ukrainian village that it used to


  1. I do hate calling people whose job it is to answer the phone, most don't earn their wages.

    We are getting rain today, we needed it too! I hope you get some soon.

    I think you have an adorable little village there! No idea if like in the Ukraine, never been there :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Rojo John, I applaude you for being brave enough to put him out of his misery. I know I don't have the guts myself. I just love the idea of your little chook village all painted in regiment green! What a fab picture it brings to mind. You will have to make a little village 'pub' for them now over their water containers, oh & don't forget a nice village hall for all their social get togethers ;-) I'm loving being back in Blog Land & your place is one of my favourite places to visit. Love n hugs Sara xx ps. hope Chris feels better soon.

  3. LOL, I once worked at a call centre, I lasted approx 3 and 1/4 hours, before I walked out.

    I can feel rain in the air down here in devon, could do with a nice gentle downpour overnight.

    I agree with sara, the chooks need a pub and a P.O.

    Oh and I'll do a post next wek about the joys of quail, see what you think about them.


  4. jess and sara (yikes its like old times having you two together!!!) least it looks tidier now

  5. Bureaucracy at its' finest. At least, I assume, you could understand what he was saying.

    Your new village looks super.

  6. With the angsty tone of your sewerage post, I must congratulate you on being so restrained with the title!

    Thankyou for the kind comment you left for me.


  7. The hen houses look wonderful. Great job.
    Just reading your conversation with the operator I was shaking my head. Geez!!!
    Wonder if the operator has ever actually listened to what they hear! Oh wait, sounds like the answer would be, no.:)

  8. Taking your blog up to the cabin to catch up. Hope all is well. Will throw in my 2cents later.x-c

  9. 17 hen houses! How on earth do you find time to clean them all? You must be so organized.I only just manage to look after my two properly!


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