Cow obsession and a first for Chris

Meg has a fascination for cows. Every time we take a walk down gypsy lane we come across a bouncy,inquisitive band of heifers and out of all four dogs, she alone seems to be completely obsessed with these huge benign and rather attractive animals.
Pulling at her lead, she edges excitedly towards them and nose to nose she allows the cattle to sniff and lick at her and seems intoxicated by the grassy burps they constantly emit.
I would love a cow!

Now the above photo is a rarity!
Chris, in a fit of "outdoor-ness" (I have never seen him with a hoe in his hand for all the years we have been together!), got stuck in with some gardening this afternoon ! We removed the dead fuchsia and an overgrown hebe from the front border and replanted a flowering currant, lavender,some antirrhinums, lupins, pinks, granny's bonnets and three fragrant Rose bushes. as well as some alpines which I squeezed into the spaces on top of the cottage garden wall.
I was impressed , he worked very hard.

This afternoon Chris went to Church when I completed the garden planting. He took with him several boxes of eggs, which I asked him to share amongst the congregation. With all the dry, warm weather and the arrival of the spring grass, the girls have been banging out their eggs with some gusto at the moment!
Perhaps a few freebees my increase my sales!


  1. A cow would be nice indeed, but you have to milk it twice a day and that would cut into your overnights and stuff.

    Love the view from your place! (Not talking about the half moon either) It's so much different from here.

    I take it that Chris is doing better and the antibiotic has done it's thing?

    You will have to show an "after" picture when the plants bloom. It's going to be a beautiful garden!

  2. sharon...

    you have a eagle eye....
    forgive the "builder's crack"

  3. Oh... that's what you call it there! No I don't have an eagle eye, actually my eyes are very bad, I (sorry) wanted to see the country side, so I put the pic in my comp so I could blow it up and really look at the rolling hills etc, it was then I saw......

    Have a good night!

  4. Just got in from the garden myself and there you guys are doing the same to love this time of year.Just did some weeding....I get very OCD about certain ones like Buttercup and Dandelions. Hubby just moved a Clematis and a Honeysuckle....weren't growing well where they were.You are definitely in another 'zone'than we are.....we can't grow Hebe here.
    Like the walls you have too.

    Great looking garden and think of all the manure you'd have if you got a cow.

  5. Maybe Meg was a cow in another life and that's why she's drawn to them! ;-)))
    Your garden is going to be lovely John, and I'll look forward to seeing pictures of it when it all comes in! By the way I would buy eggs from you, how much do you sell them for? Here they charge about $3.00 a dozen for farm fresh eggs--Is that £1.95 for you?

  6. kim
    1.50£ for 6
    thats cheap here!!!!!
    hows your sick boy?

  7. Had to go see what hebe was. Pretty, but require sun to bloom well. I have part sun, at best, so I guess they're out.

    You could get a Miniature Dexter cow. It wouldn't take up much space.

  8. cows are beautiful animals - big soulful eyes. Those new plants sound divine & will make a lovely display. How funny that Chris should have an attack of the gardening kind- Roddy runs a mile - he literally disappeared once - mind you he has assembled my raised veg beds for me !

  9. My goodness you are the gardener. I so wish I had a green thumb.
    Great pic of the cow. They are such docile animals. The cattle ranch a few miles from us has all the momma's and babies in one of the fields and it is so cute to see the babies run and play.
    Glad to hear that both you and Chris are feeling better.
    My girlies are laying more eggs also now that the weather has warmed.

  10. I love cows - but a field full scare me if I have to walk through them. Your gardens looking great. xx

  11. How tough is Chris to have broken your fork

  12. I am thinking of getting a dairy cow myself! All that yummy cheese and butter one can make...


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