In just one day....we have GREENERY

At last spring has sprung. The flowering current in the garden has burst into life almost under the cover of darkness, and the field has turned from a dull lifeless brown/green to a warmer and more vibrant olive green. Accompanying the change of season has been a lift in my spirits. This is not just due to the warmer weather, the allotment itself has been under a bit of a threat recently, and this threat seems to have been resolved today.....and all I can do is sigh.
Anyhow after spending much of the day sorting out the trusty Berlingo for her MOT tomorrow (4 new tyres, new windscreen wipers etc), I sorted out some more chicken wire to nail to the dividing fencing between the field and graveyard. A couple of the more enterprising runner ducks have just developed the knack of sneaking under the smallest of breaks in the present day with a bit of elbow grease, I should make the Graveyard a no go area.

Five more Chicks hatched out last night, so I have ten robust multicoloured hybrids squatting under the heat lamp in the shed. It is so nice to have some more babies again . In the post I received four goose eggs and some more guinea fowl eggs , so in a month or so, hopefully the next group of babies will be ready for some shed rehabilitation.....
The circle of life continues.

Finally, I must say a big thank you to Joanna ( ) for her thoughtful gift!..I have never had a gift from the Appalachians before!!


  1. eggs in the post ????? I've heard everything now !
    My garden looking less like wasteground now - though hens have beady etes on green bits ....
    ( Elvis rocks and is peforming in Indian restaurants !!)

  2. Hey! I know that sign! LOL She sent me one, too. We got six chicks...5 are 2 1/2 weeks and one is 1 week. It is great, isn't it. How did the threat get resolved, if I'm not being too forward? Anything like my owl/pigeon issue? LOL

  3. Whatever it is John, I hope it's soon resolved. Nothing like a saunter in the sunshine to lift your spirits though.

  4. MOUN IT N HER EAR, are you sure the dog will be happy about that?

  5. Spring is my favorite time of year, all the new shades of green and the early bloomers. Love that currant, gorgeous!
    Your peepers are so adorable, nice assortment too! Anymore yet to hatch?
    Have a good night now and don't sweat the small stuff...

  6. I recognize that little striped chick. We had one last year. She was an "Easter Egger"/Ameraucana. I always though she looked like a chipmunk as a chick. Do you have chipmunks across the pond?

  7. no chipmunks......squirrels and rabbits and the odd vole (a fat mouse)!!!


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