
After lots of fruit juice, a good sleep and gallons of water, I feel detoxed and back to normal. I have taken the advice of my city friends who all commented "Haven't you a red face?" when I saw them on Friday, and have put some sun screen on today!
It is another lovely day, so I was up early to walk the dogs (Chris had a late night so slept in) before I moved the new chicks out of their "nursery" cage into the shed proper
A mixture of bantams and cross hybrids, an increase in the number of white chicks leads me to believe that new boy Jesus has got the hang of mating with anything and everything. The bunch seems happy and healthy so far....10 hatched and 10 I am happy.
Right must dash, am now off to water the new growing vegetables, walk the dogs, then I will plant some sprouts, cabbage, and more cauliflower


  1. Glad you're feeling better after your naps, etc., and are now clear-headed and smelling like chickens once again--Which by the way are adorable and growing so fast!!

  2. What cute chicks. It'll be fun seeing what kind of adults they turn into.

  3. Happy Sunday! Good that you got all that nasty poison out of your system, Tee Hee!
    The chicks all look so nice and healthy. You can name them all now, such a variety! Oh, how I wish....
    You still haven't gotten a good rain? It can be a real chore to water all your veggies! Do you have good dirt there? Here, if we want good dirt, we have to buy it and put it where we want anything to grow. This part of TN grows nothing but rocks.
    Have a good afternoon now!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You've really got me itching to get a garden going, still too early here though.

  6. Glad to hear you're fully recovered JG - if you will go up to the big bad city ;) Chicks look gorgeous.

  7. 10 out of 10 has gotta be good! What gorgeous bunch they all look too. Hope they grow into smashers xx
    PS Thx for not giving up on my little blog :0)


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