A small victory

With the fire lit and the dogs in their usual place on my lap, it has been a relaxing and quiet day. Chris made a tasty chicken stew AND a syrup sponge pudding, so the order of the afternoon was having a doze and that was it!
Half way through the gloriously camp tv programme 60 Minute Makeover , Albert could be heard banging around the kitchen, and on checking he was battering a small beautiful blue tit between his paws and the remains of our chicken dinners!
The tiny bird looked quite dead when I found it covered in chicken gravy, but as I prised it off a growling Albert, it gave a shallow gasp.
Blue tits are amazingly pretty things, but like all wild birds that have been attacked, they die so easily through a combination of rough handling and shock, so I hid the bird in my palm and sat in the living room in the hope that the warmth of my hand would revive it.
The dogs all clambered on top of me, in the full realisation that something was afoot, but I managed to keep them away from the blue tit until I could feel a little more movement from the tiny animal and after another 20 minutes I sneaked out of the house to set the bird down on the wall before it flew unsteadily away still covered with big blobs of bisto.
I told you nothing much has happened today.. but this "little" victory was rather satisfying


  1. what is a syrup sponge pudding?

  2. http://www.deliaonline.com/recipes/type-of-dish/sweet/steamed-treacle-sponge-pudding.html


  3. I had to look up what a Blue Tit is--What a pretty little bird! It's marking are alot like a blue Jay, but smaller and with a yellow breast...But I'm glad that you were able to keep it from ending up as part of Albert's dinner and or dessert! :-)

  4. I hope the little bird was able to make something of a meal of the gravy on its feathers. I think it was a victory!

  5. my dear man, at my house, in February, this passes for excitement, and look no off color remark about any word in your story - peace

  6. I know it isn't really funny, but your description of the blue tit with bisto on it, made it sound so funny!!

    Gill in Canada

    (I love syrup sponge pudding, hate sticky toffee pudding though, don't like dates)

  7. Another learning experience for me! Now I know what a Blue Tit and syrup sponge pudding & Bisto is.

    I must say a gravy coated little birdo sounds like something out of a Warner Bros. cartoon...I tawt I taw a puddy tat...I did see a puddy tat and he covud me wit gwavy!!

  8. I must admit this is the 1st time I have cared what happened to a tit!! ;-)


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