The Alarm - Knockin' On Heavens Door - The Gathering 30-01-2010

My brother Andrew is playing the guitar second from the right (in the white t shirt) Chris and I missed his gig with the Alarm ( I was working nights) but my sisters went (and can be heard shouting from the audience!)


  1. Wow!!! Very good!

  2. I enjoyed listening! And even listen to the whole video. Yes, very good!

  3. Such a shame you missed the concert Bro,it was something else seeing Andrew on stage and cheering him, Jan and I rocked it was magic I felt like I was 18 again. Its must have been magic as I am 61. Ann xx

  4. How fun that your brother plays in a band! Thanks to your sisters for taping it for you/us too. Now is this your brother-in-law or brother-brother? 2sister,2brothers all together? Anywhoooo, it looked & sounded like a fun evening and tell Ann I hope to be rockin' on well into my 80's and hope she is too!!
    my best, Cassie


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