
Sam Worthington

I was feeling ok until I read all of the previous post comments this morning, and now I think I must have sounded a border line depressive!
The rain is lashing down, so I completed jobs, counted the poultry (all present), walked the dogs and drove to Prestatyn to the cinema , taking some heed of all of the advice to "have a break"!

I know there was a pensioner showing of AVATAR at the scala this morning, so at 10 am (yes AM) I lined up with a few adventurous silver hairs who were clutching their pension books, and asked if I could go in.
Now although I am a youthful looking 47 year old, the manageress waved me through quite cheerfully ( and a little too quickly for my liking) and feeling a tad guilty at bunking off, I sat down in the warmth and dry, intent in watching some mindless rubbish.......tee hee
Cinema is a wonderful diversion from the mundane for me. It is a treat, it is a ritual and it always feels as though I have "come home" in a strange sort of way as I make myself comfortable in the usual pull down cinema seat!
Like many geeky teenagers (I was an expert in 1970 disaster films, terrapins and tropical fish at 15!!!) I was a lonely kid.
There was no internet,computer games and the like to divert me from the misery of puberty, so for me it was cinema that was able to transport me to somewhere a little more exciting......All during the 1970s, burning skyscrapers, overturned passenger liners, Roger Moore's acting eyebrows and a whole series of 747 near misses, kept me amused and obsessed.

Anyhow back to Avatar, which was an inspired choice for a rainy and depressing day!

James Cameron's voyage into movie history is basically an adequate Christmas present of an adventure movie which has been wrapped up in some exquisitely beautiful wrapping paper. To look at, it is quite, quite amazing, and I was entertained with this boys-own actioneer from the very start.

In Avatar, Cameron pays homage to Aliens his 1986, public and critically acclaimed blockbuster, with gut wrenching battle sequences and a reintroduction to some of his most famous characters.
So we have Dr Grace (Sigourney Weaver) who is an older and wiser Ellen Ripley, tom boy Hispanic marine Trudy (Michelle Rodriguez) is a ringer for Pvt. Vasquez and mean bastard corporate manager (Giovanni Ribisi) is definitely based on the reptilian Carter Burke.

Having said all this, Avatar is an adventure film which pays further homages to the likes of A Man Called Horse (1970) and Dances with Wolves (1990) and by doing so, it will please everyone. as the basically simple story of a man finding his true "home" is a universal fairytale of sorts.

Sam Worthington makes for a measured and quite charismatic hero (he is very easy on the eye too!) and Zoe Saldana (who is never really seen except in her CGI form) is also very good as his alien love interest.

But this film's strength lies with what you see AND experience rather than the originality of the plot or the performances of the leading actors (good as they are)........and what you see IS quite beautiful and impressive.

I gave it a spirit lifting 9/10


  1. Puberty? I was completely caught up in a world of Franco Zeffirelli, Jay Gatsby and Scarlett.
    Not a terapin in sight!

  2. ah! but you had a childhood based on Vivien Leigh's life....where mine was more like THE ARCHERS

  3. did you see it in 3D? I'll try to see it sometime but want to go to a cinema with 3D.

  4. no Joanna, I didn't but I would like to give it a go!

  5. e saw it in 3D it was amazing - although a little distracting at times.

    I really liked the film too. A few people are a little snobby about it - but I think unfairly.

    And as for your disaster film knowledge, I might have to get you on the podcast I do :)

  6. Dan
    I could sit a degree just on the TOWERING INFERNO alone!

  7. You poor sap, Roger Ebert. Can't you just watch a good movie just to watch it? I saw it in 3D, and it was amazing! Great graphics, cool rain foresty type landscapes. Okay, yeah, the acting was great, and so was the choice of actors. But I saw it alone in Orlando with not a thing else to do.
    I had Nintendo and Super Nintendo. But fun for me was racing through the woods, climbing trees, building forts...alone or with friends. There was always too much to do outside rather than waste time indoors (shelter purposes only!) Enough babble. Sorry.

  8. randy!
    who the f*&k is Roger Ebert?
    I have analysed films since I was in puberty! analysed AND enjoyed!!!

    babble away!!!

  9. And I didn't even think to mention the Valium years!

  10. Have to agree with everyone else, you must see it in 3D. It's a bit jarring at first but after a while you are just drawn into the world Cameron has created, an amazing experience. Plan to see it again next week with my brother. As I texted earlier it was a little how I felt after we went to see Terminator 2 all those years ago. Cameron raised the bar then and he has now when it comes to this type of film. A lot of the technology he uses in the film is lifted straight from Aliens (the fight at the end being heavily influenced by the Ripley/Alien Queen finale) but as they are his own ideas does it really count? Go see it 3D.

  11. I wasn't trying to be offensive! Sorry. Roger Ebert is an American film critic. Nothing wrong with it. Just wondering why there always has to be an analysis. Can't it just be liked it/didn't like it?

  12. tee hee

    a blog saying

    "Avatar....I liked it!" isn't very interesting

  13. glad you enjoyed the movie, our two kids went to see it and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    You sound a lot more chipper today!!

    Gill in Canada

  14. Didn't see it. Might though. Then I'll post on my blog:
    Avatar...I liked it.(or not)

    I did enjoy the animated movie UP.
    Have you seen that John? You should I wonder what you'd think of it.
    X-Cassie (using the dogs blog)
    PS-Hey both Hootie and BabyRocketDog are entered in contests at Mango Minster.Check it out and vote for them if you will!!

  15. My word, what a lot of replies generated by Avatar. I thoroughly enjoyed it, is that all I need to say. No, you can't just like or not like a film, there always have to reasons why and of course it's an extra pleasure to analysie them.
    Great effects, no question about that. Enjoyable acting too and the meshing of actors and CGI was exceptional. There's nothing in the film that wasn't in written science fiction from the 1960s on but it still works as a narrative and the planet's own fight back is great to watch.

    Srangely I'm glad I didn't see it in 3D, I suffer from vertigo and all that flying off floating mountains would have done my stomach no good at all. So not the best film of any year, in spite of awards, but it certainly delivered the goods.

  16. I've not seen the movie, but it's on our list...Glad you were able to go and got "a break!" Enjoy your Wednesday!

  17. MR h

    THANK you for leaving another review

  18. I still love disaster movies. :-)


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