Thanks Jonney

I needed the phone call from my friend Jonney today!
Late afternoon he called with the following phrase
"Daaaaaarrrrrrlllllling......if I read another blog about snow and chickens I'll just die....."
(or something a little like that) and he is quite right!
It was a lovely tonic to hear from him. and how I have so missed ripping films apart with him over a bottle of has been far, far too long.
I am resolved to meet up with him in February, for a long, vicariously enjoyable evening of excesses of alcohol, gossip , campness and movie reviews!

Anyhow tonight Chris and I went to see Sherlock Holmes (2009) and thank god I didn't expect too much from it, as after 20 minutes of this hybrid 1930's Basil Rathbone/2010 superhero movie, I found myself rather enjoying a modern day Conan Doyle homage !

Of course the whole thing is rubbish, but it is glossy rubbish, and I did quite enjoy the new interplay between a slightly more vulnerable Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) and the hard ass Watson ( the sexy Jude Law.). CGI abound and the well known Guy Richie touches cover everything, yet of its type, Sherlock Holmes is (AND I HATE TO SAY THIS) an ok movie



  1. Friends really do have a way with words, don't they? ~Enjoy your weekend!~

  2. We have been debating seeing this movie. I think we'll pass.

  3. Jonney sounds like somebody I'd like to hang with.

    I'm watching MAN WITH THE GUN (1955)Robert Mitchum, he's hotter than that scrawny Jude Law.

  4. I'm glad you gave a review on this, as I want to go see it. Maybe this weekend.

  5. I just came over from Cassie's blog. And I'm so glad to see someone else who has a Scottie. I'll be checking in frequently!

    Have a great day.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I actually hadn't intended to see this but a friend said how much she had enjoyed it. So I went and enjoy it I did. Daft yes and a story that was less than paper thin. But a lot more Holmesian lore than I had expected, a great look to CGI London, a Lestrade to die for and a lot of excellent (and funny) humour. Two hours of pure, and not wholly mindless, pleasure. And probably the only Listen With Mother reference ever to be heard in a big screen Holmes film.


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