It's official I am boring myself!

I am so annoyed I could spit. It is snowing heavily again this morning and I resent not only the weather but also how it is taking over my blog subjects......!(my blogs are never that interesting but recently they seem to be taking a rather monotonous -snow tone!)
Apparently roads are already being closed (Dyserth hill and Gwaenysgor Hill- the only roads down to the coast) and the main route out of North Wales ( the A55) is at a standstill.
Geoff, with his 4x4, came to the rescue this morning and dropped some extra corn for me which was incredibly kind of him,and Ralph the gentleman farmer brought me a bale of straw for the pigs,another lifesaver! However itt still took me over an hour and a half to feed and water every animal!
The cold has taken its toll, old Susan died in the night (right) as did Whoopie Goldberg (another of my eldest hybrids), which was very sad. The elderly "retired" hens, are all hybrids and subsequently tend to be smaller and skinnier specimens compared to the more robust pure breeds, and just have not got the reserves to keep on going despite extra feed and lots of TLC

On a brighter note, I have provisionally booked the Hall in February for my second "Chicken course for beginners". I have 6 students this time (left my first course students from the Autumn!!) and they all seem to be keen as mustard and a pretty nice bunch of despots.


  1. My deepest sympathy on the ladies....and the snow. I never got any, and we are on a warming trend. That's okay, though. If it's not gonna snow, I prefer warmer weather, anyway. I am not Julie Andrews!! Though, I'm not sure to whom I can compare myself. And as far as Ellen Degeneres goes, we always have Sir Elton.

  2. RIP Susan & Whoopie. You should have titled this post: Snow Takes It's Toll.

    Honestly I did not read this post before calling you a gentleman farmer on my blog!!

  3. Sorry for the loss of your animal friends. Hopefully milder weather is just on the horizon.


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