Facebook Pete

Now I have a facebook "account" but seldom venture on the website as I find it overly complicated and difficult to navigate. This evening my nephew pete sent me a message and I absolutely loved his accompanying photo (above)
He is the most sociable, constantly in motion, big hearted and friendly individual I have ever met
and his photo sums that up perfectly!


  1. You know that is something I have never got into Facebook, I have a hard enough time keeping up with my blog, never mind everything else!!

    Gill in Canada

  2. Facebook is my second addition--My first one was e-mail, my 3rd is now blogging & my cell phone is somewhere in there too!! :-)

  3. I went and took a look at Facebook. No, I think I will just stick with my blog. It is enough to keep track of. The photo of your nephew is pretty cute.

  4. I agree callie, many of my "friends" on facebook are people I no longer keep in touch with
    I don't use it, so have just deactivated my acount, I will stick to blogs, emails and the occassional letter!!!

  5. Interesting. I use Facebook all the time and like it because it seems easy to me. Perhaps you just need a little more practice.


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