The sad death of Christmas Cards, Strictly Night and Albert update

I am catching up with blog time rather late today as I have worked the whole day away on intensive care. Chris has ferreted away with home chores all day and is now laying down on the couch like a wan Blanche DuBois, exhausted and somewhat jaded.
I got to thinking on the way home, just how sad it would be if the Royal Mail was finally pushed and dragged into the 21st Century and oblivion. The post worker strikes planned for the next few weeks, I think will tip the
balance against the traditional "Snail Mail's" monopoly in the frenetic Christmas Card market and in the not-so-distant future, other forms of Yuletide greetings (oh God save us from the dreaded e-xmas message!!!) may become the norm.

I love sending Christmas cards!. The ritual of making the card (above is Finlay in
one of his typical couch postures on one of my first cards), the effort of writing it, adding the stamp and physically making the effort to post it, is more thoughtful than quickly bashing out an email on your laptop when watching x factor on tv. I for one will continue my tradition of sending paper cards.....even if I do write them all on the 1st of December!
Anyhow last night the family all went round to Janet and Ned's for supper, wine
and two hours of yelling at the performances and judging on Strictly Come Dancing! Now I am a snob
when it comes to Pantomimes, but give me a wine, a ballroom dance competition on the television and I can boo and Hiss with the best of them...

anyway we had a nice, family night out,

..As for Albert....he is still looking rather stiff but remains as good natured as usual dispite his discomforts...... Tonight chris cooked a chicken and Albert stuffed his little fat face full of the I type this he is curled up on the lounge carpet,,,,burping chicken breath all around


  1. Love seeing your terrier card because it reminds me of my Irish.

    Yes, we watch the ballroom dancing competitions here, Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance.

  2. I watch Dancing with the Stars too. No wine though. darn. Hmmmm... maybe people will go to sending ecards. Bad timing on the Royal mail's part. Glad Albert is doing better.

  3. My father is a rural postal deliveryman with the USPS. He has been working fewer days, fewer hours, and there is talk of cutting mail delivery from 6 days a week to only five. Christmas is a reprieve.


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