Turkey & The Changeling update

I am snatching a couple of minutes to complete a fowl update..(if anyone is interested?) Chris is working away in Newquay later, so is pottering around and getting in my usual mornings routine way! Mind you he has just made me a bacon filled bagel, so I can live with the interruptions.

The turkey poults are just starting to develop those long necks of the adults and are looking so irresistible. I always make sure I spend some time handling and playing with the babies and I know they now recognise me when the shed door is opened, as they crane their necks and "peep" for England

The changeling is in fact a Leghorn cross (centre pic) and she has set up home in the buff house yesterday. Pirrie the bantam cockerel who oversees the buffs seems to be quite chuffed with a new member of his flock, the old hen is a wise old bird and so far I had witnessed no overt bullying. She is underfed and rather thin but shovels corn down her crop with a sickening gusto.....sigh...another useless beak to feed me thinks.........
I have called her Charlotte Vale.....(my friend Jonney H will understand why)


  1. I doubt very much this Charlotte Vale is going to take herself off on a South American cruise and come back with plucked eyebrows, a beautiful wardrobe and a married lover. Not the Welsh way of doing things I fear.

  2. hello jonney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. @JG

    I thought hens were now not to be named?


  4. you dont eat old hens!!!

  5. Charlotte Vale is one lucky old chick!! (You are quite the Bette Davis fan aren't you J?

  6. oh yes................Bette was a grand old gal!......
    Now voyager was one of my fav Bette films.....not the best, that has to go to ALL ABOUT EVE..... but I did also enjoy The Letter, Jezabel,Dark Victory,and The corn is green

  7. I'm always interest in your updates - wouldn't miss them! I'm loving the turkey poults so much. I'm quite jealous!


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