Spitfire & Streetcars

Apparently a few miles from the village is a veteran air enthusiast who actually owns a world war II Spitfire!....and hearing a deep growling in the sky I looked up and actually saw it skimming over the hills just across the valley.

I always think that there is something quite valiant about these tiny little planes and according to the every ready wikipedia there are only 44 left in "service" amazing!......

Hazel and I went to see a rerun of the 1951 classic A Streetcar Named Desire at Theatre Clwyd this evening, and I was so glad that we did.......on reflection I realised that Streetcar was one of those films that I had never seen, despite thinking that I had watched it years ago and I was thrilled and shocked by this steamy tale of madness,loneliness and sex.
Director Elia Kazan's production is electrifying on the big screen. Marlon Brando 's Stanley Kowalski, with his lightening flashes of violence scared the shit out of me, and the shopworn, fragile and truly talented Vivien Leigh breaks your heart as Blanche duBois, the southern Belle crashing terribly out of control under the strains of alcohol and mental illness.
It was one of the best things I have seen in a long time......next I would love to see
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Thinking of Jayne and Andrew today..my brother is in hospital..much love x


  1. I have seen you DO a blanche dubois on many occassion!!!

  2. All I get is EastCare over my house. Life Flight helicopters.

  3. Ah, the kindness of strangers!


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