
I have got all macho this afternoon and have started the huge job of repairing the Church wall. As Gorden Brown droned on with his platitude filled party speech, I separated face stones from scree and laid everything out in readiness for the next job of clearing out the backfill!

The hen flock gathered around to pick over the debris, and all the hard work has kept out the chill of the day!

Autumn has finally come home to roost, and the shortening days and cooler temperatures has had its effect on egg production which has reduced drastically....only 7 eggs today.....just enough to keep one neighbour and the baby turkeys (who love a daily scrambled egg) happy
By four pm, I felt sore and stiff, so I gave the dogs a long walk and came home to bake a carrot cake.................

Well there is only so much macho work one guy can fit into one day isn't there?


  1. My silly hens have stepped up their egg production! What breed of hen is Blanche. My Chicken Tikka is just like her & I've never been sure what she kind she is. Good luck with the wall rebuilding. I do love your blue tac dog :-)

  2. Blanche is a sussex cross !!!

  3. Next you will be chopping wood!

  4. in a lumberjack shirt no doubt....


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