
Chris finally finished his first totally knitted garment, and slightly out of sorts, I agreed to model it,(albeit over an ill matching rugby shirt)
I have been wasp stung six times this afternoon (I was sledgehammering in new fence posts near the wasp nest) and am feeling much the worse for wear after it all.
Off to take a piriton


  1. Wow, Chris did a great job on the vest. Sorry to hear you have been waspmeat today. Be careful you don't have a reaction. Of course you know that.

    Now I must catch up on all the happenings at your alotment.

    Hope the rest of your day goes better. x-cassie

  2. apple cider vinegar on your bites will take the sting away - is that your real phone in the background, now way, right? peace

  3. ruth,
    yes that is our phone, though it is not in use at the moment as the signal strength to get it to ring is not high enough here.
    It has a lovely ring to it.....I loved it dearly in my old house......felt as though I was in DIAL M FOR MURDER

  4. >It has a lovely ring to it.....

    And a lovely dial, I might add.

    PS. Remind me to go elsewhere for fashion advice..... ;-)

  5. Can I order one in red for Christmas, please. Do you have enough time Chris, or have I left it too late ?? I bet the order are flocking in, ha ha, flocking chickens, hen, ducks, turkeys, get it !!! Sorry x


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