Hughie's hero worship and District 9

Hughie, like some love struck schoolboy, seems to have developed a crush on Rogo the red cockerel. All day he has followed him everywhere he has roamed and with the good nature of a true leader Rogo has accepted this strange little bird follower with a great deal of alacrity. I had to smile to myself at teatime , as when Rogo had his afternoon wander around the gravestones in the Churchyard, there was Hughie tottering around behind him, with his now usual slightly bemused look, much to the amusement of some people placing flowers on a grave.
I have had a fruitful day, clearing the black garden of overgrown herbaceous plants. My stings have produced painful red welts and swelling over my chest and arms, and Chris is worried that I am heading for a full blown allergic reaction if I get stung again......
let's hope not

At the very start of District 9 (2009- at the Scala tonight), a character in this pseudo-documentary movie states that Aliens don't visit cities such as Johannesburg...they much rather dominate American cities such as New York and Washington, and with that cardinal rule in view, the audience is totally wrong footed by Neill Blomkamp's supposed allegorical look at the ghetto existence of the dispossessed.
The aliens or "prawns" as they are called by the local population are despised drone type beings trapped on earth; instead of being assimilated into earth's culture, they are dumped in an enclosed ghetto, where they are abused and used by South African big business firms, who are desperate to understand their weapon technology.
The parallels with the unpalatable aspects of human existence are clearly underlined but Blomkamp obviously has enjoyed making this B movie homage to all the alien films that has gone before and on one level has given his movie a sort of unintentional comical touch at times.

Impressive to watch at times, but generally rather too camp and strangely too bleak to be taken seriously, I found it all a little too much
ps. you can't take South Africans seriously when they swear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Having enjoed your recent blogs I've come to the conclusion that I need a turkey & guinea fowl in my life! You're an inspiration x


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