Danger Zone

My love affair with turkey chicks has continued. This morning they greeted me (well greeted the small bowl of chopped egg I had with me more like ) with a quiet "whooop, whooop" which is totally irresistible. Each one bolted down great mouthfuls of the yellow goo, whilst at the same time looking rather sombre...I think it is this slightly "depressed" look which I find so sweet
They were hatched on Saturday, so are four days old now, and hopefully are past those initial eating and drinking problems turkeys are so well known for.


  1. They look as though they would make a lovely Christmas dinner!! LOL

  2. Maybe Chris should know about this love affair...with a turkey no less.

  3. Boris has been the "other man" for quite some time now!!!

  4. Sweet. They look pretty much like chicken chick right?

  5. cassie...look closely at their beaks...you can see their "snoods" already starting to form...

  6. this is total bliss for me as well - peace

  7. Oh I'm completely in love with them! Thanks for your advice, much appreciated xx


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