Village life

Viv and Mike, my neighbours who kindly opened up their garden to support my "Open allotment" day work tirelessly to improve the country look of the village. They have tended and cared for the flowerbeds next to the Church, and with the burst of wet weather we experienced last week, the whole border has flourished and blossomed.
The village has been entered into this year's best kept village competition , an honour it won in 2006, and by the look of the Church border and the flower beds in the centre of the village, it might just win again, I do hope so. Trelawnyd may not be the most chocolate box type of village, in the vein of perhaps the picturesque Llanasa obviously is, but it does have its own amount of charm.
Bill and Leslie (the affable despots from the Prestatyn Horticultural society) called today with a whole selection of rabbit hutches for me. They are volunteers at a local animal rescue centre and thought that they may be of use to me!
I could almost hear the neighbours groaning at the prospect of rabbits on the field in addition to 80 existing animals, but they need not worry as the hutches actually will house the broody buffs when eventually they hatch out their own eggs. It was very kind of Bill and Leslie to think of me.

The rest of the day has been filled with collecting broad beans and cauliflowers and delousing the poultry which is the most disgusting of jobs that need to be completed on a regular basis.
The few hens which have been grossly feather pecked by bullies, such as the moth eaten Mildred Pierce (above) also needed bathing in a mild antiseptic (and tea tree-thanks to Rural Rose for that one!). I then sprayed their raw "pecked" areas with a blue antiseptic which may stop the "attacks".....and getting the scrawny little girl on her own gave me the opportunity to feed her up with extra pasta and corn. It took me two hours to treat all the buffs , Mildred and Maureen one of the new fox attack survivors from Lloc.
When you are completing a repetitive job (such as washing a chicken!) your mind gets to wander somewhat! I got to thinking how funny life is, and how cyclical it can be. At the weekend I was talking to Rowenna, a lady that has lived in the village all of her life. She recalled going to a relatives wedding many years ago, and I thought it amazing that the wedding was actually that of my Mother's Brother Jim!
Quite by chance I have found out that I may related to a whole bunch of the villagers including Steve who is renovating the Churchyard.......weird or what?
In some ways it feels that I was always destined to live here!


  1. You are one busy person! Not that that's a bad thing. I, myself, always have plenty to do, and it seems there are never enough hours. But your goings-on always have an interesting story to go with them. Mine seem to be just menial tasks. Have a good one!!

  2. naw, I just fluff them up to make them more interesting

  3. Your veggies look so lovely! Mildred looks cute in blue---brings out her eyes. hehe. Delousing does sound like an unwelcomed job. Glad it's you not me!
    I guess it isn't strange that you have relatives locally? Small world. Very cool that it does appear to be meant to be.


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