Haleh update,Fencing the field,John "Bach" and Flower Show Research

Little Haleh seems to be thriving with individual support from the doting Blanche, the above picture illistrates my point for just right of shot is Albert , sitting patiently, watching the little duckling's every move. Blanche stood there protecting Haleh for the duration of Albert's visit.

I finished weeding the largest of the vegetable patches this morning and have planted a load of donated runner beans and meadow flowers this afternoon. I have also measured the wooden fencing between my field and the Churchyard, so that I can work out just how much chicken wire to buy. I want to ensure that the Chickens are kept out of the graveyard as much as is humanly possible.
Neighbour Trevor called around this afternoon for a computer chat. He is 85 and has just purchased his first laptop, so everything "internet" is presently still a little confusing for him. Chris has been giving informal computer lessons over the past few weeks, which have been gratefully received, but I think he has yet to master google!
Trevor always refers to me as "John Bach" which literally means "Little John" in Welsh.....though the translation actually means "young John"......this tickles me...47 and called young! great news!!!
Tonight I am sifting through the information donated to me relating to the history of the Flower Show. I have received various photos and news clippings and will need to collate everything clearly and precisely.
I aim to outline some of the history of the show in poster form, give a tribute to some of the previous (and existing) long term committee members and to chronicle all of the good causes (within the village and beyond) the show has financially supported over the years.
I think it is time that the Flower Show blows its own trumpet and receives some positive publicity.


  1. You sure do have a full life. Glad to see the feathered one is doing better. Amazing what having someone to love does for your happiness. Again, thanks for sharing, peace for all.

  2. I'm changing my name: CassieBach.
    I like that!!
    Ditto what Rose said.

  3. Ooops...using the dog's blog again. You knew that last comment was from me though,right? x-c


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