Aching for quiet

The scream of the fukuda monitors during a 12 hour shift literally do my head in now. The constant banal chatter of colleagues detailing who did what to who also makes my head spin, so I couldn't wait to finish work and walk down the lane in the dusk, VERY, VERY, QUIETLY!!! with all four dogs padding behind me.
Albert has done Chris' head in today, as one after another he has deposited a steady stream of bird and mouse bodies on the back patio.
"The place resembles a morgue" he complained when I walked in.
Chris is a bit squeamish when it comes to bodies so it was up to me to remove the carnage

1 comment:

  1. You are cracking me up today. Well, Chris isn't the only one who dislikes dead thingies...It's just that some of us have to be the cleanup crew!


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