Sometimes you just want (or need) to be badly behaved......mind you the Chinese guy that got frustrated with the traffic jam caused by a potential suicide jumper perched on a highway bridge took this just a little too far!
He walked up to the distressed man, shook him firmly by the hand and then promptly threw him off! (thankfully the guy landed in an emergency services inflatable !)
Years ago,I remember, a rather prissy patient's relative walked around my ward offering the staff pieces of fruit from a huge ornamental display in rather a patronising way.She had received this showy gift from her local MP and was enjoying the attention it had caused.....most of the staff took a few grapes or a satsuma but not I! It had been a very bad day, and I couldn't be arsed being polite. When she offered me a token I grabbed the huge melon from the centre of the basket and without a thank you walked off with it........


  1. Read this is Sunday's paper & LOL!! Liu or whatever his name is did what everyone else was thinking...poop or get off the pot!



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