A sense of belonging & Ducks in the garden

Dogs have the unwavering ability to sense where they belong. When the "pack" is complete, they seem to relax immediately and gel into an unified entity, it is sometimes the oddest thing to witness.
This morning was a case in point; after night shift I spend three quarters of an hour feeding and watering, then I come in for the briefest of rests. More often than not I have a lie down on the couch or bed and today I climbed onto the bed. Immediately the dogs joined me, each one almost pinning me to the duvet in an effort to remain close seconds later Albert dives into the mass of arms and legs.and with the biggest of sighs wraps his front paws around Meg's neck.and falls asleep.
As soon as I rest, so do they, and there we stay calm and still until I get up again to give them their walk.
The quietness of the early morning disappeared rather too quickly for my liking as the hen chicks had to be moved into the shed and the ducklings had to be moved outside so that the disgusting jobs of mucking out to be completed.
The postman found the tiny hysterical ducklings enchanting, unlike William who spent the entire morning giving them the evil eye from the lounge window.
The only other excitement of today was the sudden appearance of 8 blue tit fledglings in the lane. All 8 must have flown the nest all together and in the blustery wind conditions all had crash landed in the road flanked both sides by high stone walls. Four times this afternoon I had to stop the farm traffic to retrieve these tiny tiny birds and deposit them safely in the long grass of the wildflower border of the graveyard............
I think I confused one farmer type I had flagged down by shouting "tits" on the top of my voice! as I pointed to the tarmac........note to self get more sleep before you try and save the world..........

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