Different Worlds

This evening I listened to Chris giving a run though of his presentation on "evidence based practice" he is due to make tomorrow! The whole thing was polished and suitably professional and I should think that all the bigwigs from the health services from the whole of North Wales will find the whole thing informative and useful.
I found myself giggling after his run through. It was not anything he had said that started me off, I was actually laughing at myself. (a thing I do often)
Today I chased up the 7 people who had showed an interest in my hen keeping course. I aim to start the whole "programme" on the 27th of July, and spent most of the rainy morning booking the Memorial Hall and doing "hen" preparation for it.

This is where the giggling came in......There's Chris developing strategic health care workshops for the intelligentsia of Wales, and there's me in the same breath teaching a motley group of would be chicken lovers basic poultry care.......tee hee.....life in the fast lane continues eh?

Anyhow the rain has lashed down this morning, so apart from organising my PhD in Hen care. I have chased up my bank applications to the local hospice and hospital bank. Finally both have gone through ok and I am now fit for duty as it were. Once I get sorted with these areas, and get regular shifts I will finally leave ITU for good, which will be a total relief. Now I know that some people will be anxious that I have said too much on my blog about this, but don't worry I have already discussed with my manager that I eventually intended to leave..The morale within the more junior staff is noticeably poor, and like I said it will be a relief to be out of all the petty gripes and micro managing

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